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    Saudi Arabia incites parliamentary bodies to block Qatar's investment in Iraqi gas

    Admin Assist
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    Saudi Arabia incites parliamentary bodies to block Qatar's investment in Iraqi gas Empty Saudi Arabia incites parliamentary bodies to block Qatar's investment in Iraqi gas

    Post by Rocky Sat 16 Dec 2017, 3:17 am

    Saudi Arabia incites parliamentary bodies to block Qatar's investment in Iraqi gas 7-2-660x330Saudi Arabia incites parliamentary bodies to block Qatar's investment in Iraqi gas
    Baghdad - Journal News
    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi parliamentary sources said on Saturday that Saudi movements in the Iraqi parliament through parliamentary bodies supported by Riyadh to block the Iraqi-Qatari agreement for a project submitted by Doha to invest in the gas sector.
    The sources said that political forces in the Iraqi parliament demanded the need to reject any economic activity, political or cultural Qatar in the State of Iraq, citing the request for the serious damage inflicted by the national system of Iraqi national security.
    These forces, which receive Saudi support, have also rejected a project submitted by Doha to invest in the gas and infrastructure sector in Iraq and have prepared a project that includes a range of risks that may be caused by the Qatari system projects that the companies intend to start in Iraq.
    According to media sources, the project submitted by the political forces in the Iraqi parliament included documented evidence about the sabotage league carried out by the Qatari regime in Iraq over the past years by proving support for the passage of extremist groups through suspicious investments of large sums of money that destabilized and security in Iraq and nutrition To violence by supporting extremist groups with money and arms supplies.
    It is noteworthy that the rejection of some political forces in the Iraqi parliament for Qatari investments came after the announcement of the Iraqi Oil Minister Jabbar al-Laby the desire of Qatar Petroleum to invest in development projects in the sectors of gas, extraction and liquidation, petrochemicals and infrastructure, and development projects in the Iraqi oil sector in cooperation and partnership and a number of companies Global Specialized.
    Qatar's investment in Iraq comes after an invitation by the Iraqi Ministry of Oil to international companies to participate and invest in the development of border fields with Iran and Kuwait, in addition to many tenders in infrastructure and investment sector in gas, drilling, pipelines, extraction and liquidation through its project, Strong from a number of political forces in the Iraqi parliament.

      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 8:28 am