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    Mexico's currency is falling to a 10-month low

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277299
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Mexico's currency is falling to a 10-month low Empty Mexico's currency is falling to a 10-month low

    Post by Rocky Wed 27 Dec 2017, 4:12 am

    Mexico's currency is falling to a 10-month low

    2017/12/27 00:40

    (This Day Encyclopedia News | Iraq News ) - Direct: decreased local currency in Mexico "peso" to the lowest level in 10 months during trading on Tuesday, despite attempts by the central bank and amid uncertainty about the economic situation in the country.

    The Mexican central bank on Tuesday sold an additional $ 500 million in the foreign exchange market.

    The Mexican peso fell against the dollar by 0.7% to climb the US currency to 19.8856 dollars, at 8:31 pm GMT, the lowest level since last February.

    Mexican currency losses come on concerns about inflation in the country and the possible impact of US tax cuts on Mexico.

    Earlier this month, the new governor of the Bank of Mexico, Alejandro Diaz de Leon, said the US tax reform law could hurt the country's local currency.

    US President Donald Trump signed the US tax code on Friday. 

    Note: The content (Mexican currency falling to the lowest level in 10 months) was first published on a live site and the encyclopedia of this news day is not guaranteed in any way. 
    You can see the details of this title (Mexico currency falling to the lowest level in 10 months) through its original source any site (live site).

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