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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    10~26~2013 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 53

    10~26~2013  Horoscopes  Empty 10~26~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Sat 26 Oct 2013, 9:23 am

        Challenges will be handled with much energy today. You are wise to make sure this is positive energy. Flexibility is a part of your day and others could follow your example. If something is not working you could change direction or styles of working. Others may disagree with what you say or in some way oppose your ideas and thoughts but that is part of the art of being able to carry on a round-table discussion. Do not dwell too long on a situation you cannot change and did not cause. Be prepared--this could be an interesting day. The positive results will depend on your actions. If you feel you need counsel, it will be available. Someone admires your honesty and may tell you this today. This is also a good day for love.

        Others may find you especially witty and eccentric just now. This is another good day to start a diet or perhaps, a new and positive habit. There are favorable aspects pointing to success. You may have insights or breakthroughs concerning your living situation or life circumstances. Others value you for your unique qualities. An outgoing and very expressive cycle of experience has begun now. More than ever, you want to be admired and appreciated by others, to do and create things that stir their hearts. This is fun . . . This is child's play; this is romance; this is taking a chance. There is time to reflect upon your own situation, just how you feel about yourself. The feelings and emotions of those around you are very clear--a good time.

        This is not a good time to seek big changes. It is a good day to get things done. Good eye-hand coordination and sustained effort makes almost any task run well. You may feel like exercising or getting outside sometime today. The more you get into the habit of exercising, the more you miss it when you skip a day or two. This is an important part of your day and today you may have someone join you in your endeavors. You may find yourself enjoying a long conversation, writing a letter or making a special phone call today. Getting caught up on a friend's activity is fun as you cook or do some menial work around your living quarters. Romance and social interaction takes on a greater importance this evening. An art show could quicken your pulse.

        If you can, enlist a friend or family member to exercise with you this morning, you will be pleased by how well your own thinking returns to a center point as you expel some of that chaotic energy. A bicycle ride will be sufficient but it would be good to begin a regular workout routine. Keep moving toward the completion of your goals and results will be self-evident. The afternoon is good for helping the young people that live around you . . . Perhaps a little sports achievement. There is a conversation over the dinner table this evening to help find some new security system. Disruptive events of some sort happen from time to time and you like it when everything is secure. You may decide you want to add a camera just so you can see between buildings.

        Family is the most important for you this weekend. You are at your most practical when it comes to knowing what others need; you are a good listener. You know just what to do and can act without haste and emotion. If you are living in your own home, today may be a good time to list any changes or upkeep you will want to make in the future. Sometime in the next few days, you may want to change the filter and check on the heating. Keep these things noted on a calendar so you will know the last time you did these chores. If the winter season is a time of celebration for your family, start now to purchase the gifts you will want to give. Create for yourself plenty of time to purchase gifts for people that are at a distance.

        There are many things on your to-do list today. There never seems to be enough time in the day for your list but sometimes it really is not important to do every item in one day. Ask yourself what you want and then ask yourself what your family needs. Look for a compromise when it comes to these chores as well as the cost of what is on your list. Depending upon the age of the children, you may want to travel next year. An investment of some sort will be the connection that gets you there. Do your kids a favor and make it a fun-learning type of vacation. Merit badges, geography, history and animal rights can all be worked into the scene. An item you have been looking for recently will soon be recovered. You will also collect a profit from a hobby.

        If you decide to take a particular job for today, you will be helping a friend as well as yourself. You are pleased to use your skills and through your efforts at this time you will find a line forming with new clients. The energies that are available are positive and ready to be used. Outer circumstances are favorable and it should be easy for you to push forward in projects and all aspects of life. Life may seem almost magical. Later this afternoon you may find an antique store has just what you were looking for earlier this spring. You might purchase this particular piece, clean it up and resell it. This can turn out to be a most rewarding day. If you look around in the store, there may be other things you can update and resell as well as this first piece.

        Your sense of direction is perhaps the key element in your personality makeup. How you manage difficulties, find that diplomatic solution or come up with the right approach are all built around your talent. Traveling to a nearby city or to a friend's house today, you may find yourself getting sidetracked. You have been forewarned, so pull over and take notes of something you might want to see later or perhaps with your friend, but do not make your friend or appointment wait. Your outward charm and ability to be all things to all people are most central to your personality; you enjoy your relationships. There is a greater than usual interest in social connections and the arts now--perhaps, on a more intellectual level than in the past.

        You may be asked to attend a lecture or speak in a conference today. There is a yearning to lead and teach others all about the newest electronics. Law, politics, education, travel and religion are some of the areas where you are particularly interested and want to hear others lecture. Ideas are flowing and come with ease. You can talk, talk, talk. Circumstances bend to your will and your day comes together very well. There are real opportunities to complete and work out projects that require both long-term effort and a high degree of discipline. You could receive unexpected help or support from those around you, especially someone younger or a woman. This evening, you may get insights into your family support system.

        You may be asked to socialize with guests and make them comfortable by introducing them to people and acquainting them with their surroundings before a meeting begins. You know just how to make someone comfortable, even when a situation is difficult for him or her. You understand the newcomer's needs and this person feels comfortable communicating with you, even in a case of language difficulties. This will not be a regular job but if you do not want to be the first on the list of people called to step up and help newcomers or guests . . . Let your wishes be known. Perhaps instead of saying you don't want the job you could suggest that a person who might not have as many responsibilities in the workplace would appreciate the opportunity.

        You appear more charming and refined than usual. This may be the time you have decided to spruce up your wardrobe. Now is also a good time to ask someone out for a date, apply for a particular job or otherwise make yourself known. A sense of belonging to something bigger than the merely personal becomes a greater focus now. Relationships--romantic, business, social--are the areas where many successful interactions are played. In coming to know another person, forging ties that bind two people, you come to a better understanding of yourself. It's easy in theory, but it's only in practice that it comes to mean anything real--so practice until you get it right! Vacationing at this time is favorable. The stars gain your attention tonight.

        The power of organization on a social scale business, political, etc. Seems to be most important to you just now. A piece of property has your attention today and if you are not planning to start a business it may be a place to enjoy as a home site. It is time to set some goals and decide on what you want; write these goals down in a clear but short form. You may also want to give thought to your motives or inner feelings about a romantic attraction you have had lately. This may be a time in which you are romantically motivated with no real understanding of why you are attracted to a particular person. Before going on with this relationship, give your feelings a real once-over. A young child has a sweet voice and you may want to encourage vocal lessons.

      Current date/time is Sat 07 Sep 2024, 11:26 pm