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    Accepting the nomination of a Muslim woman to the presidency in Russia

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Accepting the nomination of a Muslim woman to the presidency in Russia Empty Accepting the nomination of a Muslim woman to the presidency in Russia

    Post by Rocky Tue 02 Jan 2018, 2:48 am

    Accepting the nomination of a Muslim woman to the presidency in Russia Ffff-660x330
    Accepting the nomination of a Muslim woman to the presidency in Russia
    aljournal January 2, 2018

    MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's Central Election Commission (CEC) announced in Moscow it would accept the nomination of a Muslim woman for president in Russia as part of the run-up to the next presidential election.
    Baghdad - Agencies
    The wife of Mufti of the Republic of Dagestan "Ainah Hamztova," according to a statement of the Committee of papers nominated for the presidency in Russia, to be the first Muslim in history to run for this position, which was not occupied by no Muslim candidate.
    The committee noted that "Hamztova has nominated herself independently, and that the group of papers submitted by any independent candidate must include the request to register a support team."
    The Independent Electoral Commission shall require the independent candidate to submit a declaration confirming his candidacy, identity documents, as well as information on his income, expenses, accounts, bank deposits and securities, while at the registration stage they must collect 300,000 signatures from their supporting voters, provided that the number of signatures in the area One is 7.5 thousand.
    If Hamzatova is able to collect the necessary signatures to run for president and become an officially registered candidate, her participation in the presidential election could have a negative impact on the chances of incumbent President Vladimir Putin to win the presidency for a fourth term from the first round.
    According to the data, this unforeseen candidate could win a lot of Russian Muslim votes in the Caucasus, about 20% of the total population of Russia.
    Russia's Muslims in the Caucasus and the rest of Russia are overwhelming supporters of Putin, with the results of the last elections in 2012 showing about 80 percent of their vote, especially in Chechnya, where 90 percent of the vote was won.
    Earlier, the Central Election Commission, the leader of the Russian Liberal Democratic Party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, registered a presidential candidate, becoming the first officially registered candidate.
    The next presidential election will be held in Russia on March 18, the election campaign officially launched on December 18.

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Accepting the nomination of a Muslim woman to the presidency in Russia Empty The first Muslim veiled Putin competed for the presidency of Russia

    Post by Rocky Tue 02 Jan 2018, 4:00 am

    The first Muslim veiled Putin competed for the presidency of Russia
    Accepting the nomination of a Muslim woman to the presidency in Russia Irq_814655573&max_width=300
    The wife of Mufti of the Republic of Dagestan, Ayna Hamztova, submitted her candidacy for the presidency in Russia to the Central Election Commission in Moscow, to be the first Muslim woman in history to run for the post, which no Muslim candidate has run for.
    Russia's Central Election Commission (CEC) on Monday accepted Hamztova's papers as part of the run-up to Russia's next presidential election.
    In a statement posted on its Web page, the committee noted that Hamzatova had nominated herself independently, noting that "the set of papers submitted by any independent candidate must include the request for registration of a support team."
    The Independent Electoral Commission shall require the independent candidate to submit a declaration confirming his candidacy, identity documents, as well as information on his income, expenses, accounts, bank deposits and securities, while at the registration stage they must collect 300,000 signatures from their supporters, One is 7.5 thousand.
    If Hamzatova is able to collect the necessary signatures to run for office and become an officially registered candidate, her participation in the presidential election could have a negative impact on the chances of President Vladimir Putin to win the presidency for a fourth term, from the first session.
    According to the data, this unforeseen candidate could win a lot of Russian Muslim votes in the Caucasus, about 20% of the total population of Russia.
    Russia's Muslims in the Caucasus and the rest of Russia are overwhelming supporters of Putin, with the results of the last elections in 2012 showing about 80 percent of their vote, especially in Chechnya, where 90 percent of the vote was won.
    Earlier, the Central Election Commission, the leader of the Russian Liberal Democratic Party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, registered a presidential candidate, becoming the first officially registered candidate.
    The next presidential election will take place in Russia on March 18, with the election campaign officially launched on 18 December.

      Current date/time is Sun 19 Jan 2025, 5:11 pm