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    Aviation Authority denies the interruption of the work of Baghdad airport

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Aviation Authority denies the interruption of the work of Baghdad airport Empty Aviation Authority denies the interruption of the work of Baghdad airport

    Post by Rocky Wed 03 Jan 2018, 3:23 am

    Aviation Authority denies the interruption of the work of Baghdad airport
    January 03 2018 11:34 p
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    [rtl][rtl]Baghdad International Airport[/rtl]
    Baghdad Post

    The Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority denied on Wednesday rumors about the suspension of work at Baghdad International Airport and receiving flights. 

    The Civil Aviation Authority said in a statement received by "Baghdad Post" a copy of it, that "any airport containing navigation devices used in the case of landing to the runway and directly responsible for the work of these navigational devices is the Communications Department and the Department of Air Traffic Control and at all international airports operating navigation devices with specific authority It needs to be re-examined between time and time. The inspection is carried out by a private aircraft concerned with this matter, which approaches the runway to give official results and leave the validity of these devices (ie navigation devices) of the most important of these devices are (ILS) and (VOR).

    "What happened at the Baghdad International Airport on 1/1/2018 is not as some people thought that the airport equipment had a major disruption and that the airport would stop. What happened was to delay the issuance of the ILS test results by the concerned company, We mentioned above that the results of this examination are official leave allowing aircraft to land. " 

    "In addition, the delay of the results of this examination was due to the end of the year, which was accompanied by bad weather for Baghdad airport at the same time, which led to the inability of a number of aircraft to land in the runway of the airport, (NOTAM). The General Establishment issued today (2/1/2018) (NOTAM) another directive instructing the return of the validity of the work of the (ILS) after taking the results from the company concerned.

    She explained that "in order to maintain the safety of passengers and out of keenness to keep abreast of all developments in the international airports and work in accordance with the instructions and standards in force globally, this action is common in all airports and global false allegations about the suspension of the work of the airport and the failure of navigational devices End Was one of them is an attempt to disrupt the scene and shading the public opinion of the dimensions is not without the political ones.

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