Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Keywords: More than 70 countries will be invited to the donor conference in Kuwait

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    Keywords: More than 70 countries will be invited to the donor conference in Kuwait Empty Keywords: More than 70 countries will be invited to the donor conference in Kuwait

    Post by Rocky Fri 05 Jan 2018, 2:57 pm

    Keywords: More than 70 countries will be invited to the donor conference in Kuwait

    20:20 - 05/01/2018
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    Information / follow-up ...
    The Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers, Mahdi Al-Alak, Friday, they will direct and in coordination with Kuwait to invite the 70 countries to attend the donor conference.
    "There is coordination with the Kuwaiti government to invite more than 70 countries to the donor conference to be held in Kuwait next February," Al-Alak, who heads the Iraqi team to prepare for the donor conference, said in a statement.
    "In principle, the number of countries invited to the conference will not be less than 70 of our Arab brothers and friends in Europe, America and Asia, and we expect the participation to be great in the conference," he said.
    He added that "the conference will also witness a distinguished presence of many Arab and international organizations, including United Nations organizations with all their competencies and the other from the European Union." And the World Bank, which is a partner in preparing for the conference in addition to the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development.
    He added that "international and regional development organizations will also be present at the conference as well as active participation of civil society organizations, which will be involved in the axis dedicated to discuss humanitarian operations and support stability in liberated areas and ways to support community reconciliation processes."
    The donor conference for the reconstruction of Iraq will be held in Kuwait in the first half of next February, with the aim of mobilizing support for the reconstruction of the cities restored by the organization.

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    Keywords: More than 70 countries will be invited to the donor conference in Kuwait Empty Iraq 's economy relies heavily on a rally in Kuwait to rebuild war zones

    Post by Rocky Fri 05 Jan 2018, 3:02 pm

    Iraq 's economy relies heavily on a rally in Kuwait to rebuild war zones[/size]
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     2 hours ago

    The Iraqi government on Friday unveiled efforts to coordinate with the Kuwaiti government to invite more than 70 countries to the donor conference to be held in Kuwait next month. 
    "In principle, the number of countries invited to the conference will not be less than 70 of our Arab brothers and friends in Europe, America and Asia, and we expect the participation to be high in the conference," said Iraqi Secretary-General of the Iraqi Council, Mahdi Al-Alaq. 
    He pointed out that Baghdad and Kuwait agreed that the invitations at the ministerial level likely to finalize the names of countries invited next week. 
    He added that the conference will also witness a distinguished presence of many Arab and international organizations, including United Nations organizations with all their competencies, the European Union and the World Bank, which is a partner in preparing the conference, as well as the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development.
    He pointed out that the international and regional development organizations will also be present at the conference as well as the active participation of civil society organizations, which will be involved in the axis devoted to discuss humanitarian operations, support stability in liberated areas and ways to support community reconciliation processes. 
    The donor conference for the reconstruction of Iraq is scheduled to be held in Kuwait in the first half of next February, with the aim of mobilizing support for the reconstruction of the liberated cities of the so-called Islamic State Organization.

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    Keywords: More than 70 countries will be invited to the donor conference in Kuwait Empty Find out who will attend the Kuwait Reconstruction Conference

    Post by Rocky Fri 05 Jan 2018, 3:07 pm

    Find out who will attend the Kuwait Reconstruction Conference
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    BAGHDAD - The Iraqi government on Friday announced efforts to coordinate with the Kuwaiti government to invite more than 70 countries to the Kuwait International Conference on Iraq Reconstruction to be held in February .
    "Iraq is seeking, in coordination with the Kuwaiti government, to invite more than 70 countries to the Kuwait International Conference for the reconstruction of Iraq to be held in February," the secretary-general of the Iraqi Council of Ministers said in a statement to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) The number of invited countries will not fall below 70 Arab, European, American and Asian countries, and participation is expected to be high at the conference . "
    He pointed out that the relations "Baghdad and Kuwait agreed that the invitations at the ministerial level," likely to "finish putting names of countries invited next week ."
    "The conference will also witness a significant presence of many Arab and international organizations, including the United Nations organizations in all its specialties, the European Union and the World Bank, which is a partner in preparing the conference, as well as the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development ."
    "International and regional development organizations will also be present at the conference as well as active participation of civil society organizations, which will be involved in the theme of humanitarian operations, support for stability in liberated areas and ways to support community reconciliation processes for liberated areas." Finished 2

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    Keywords: More than 70 countries will be invited to the donor conference in Kuwait Empty Identify the names of the countries invited to the Iraq Reconstruction Conference in Kuwait

    Post by Rocky Sat 06 Jan 2018, 2:53 am

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    Identify the names of the countries invited to the Iraq Reconstruction Conference in Kuwait

    BAGHDAD - The Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers Mehdi Al-Alak said that in principle will not be less than the number of countries that will be invited to the Conference on the reconstruction of Iraq from 70 countries.
    He pointed out that Baghdad and Kuwait agreed that the invitations to the conference, which will be held in Kuwait next February, at the ministerial level, likely to finalize the names of countries invited next week. 
    Al-Aalak pointed out that the conference will also witness a distinguished presence of many Arab and international organizations, including United Nations organizations with all their competencies, the European Union and the World Bank, which is a partner in the preparation of the conference, as well as the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development.
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    Keywords: More than 70 countries will be invited to the donor conference in Kuwait Empty Re: Keywords: More than 70 countries will be invited to the donor conference in Kuwait

    Post by Lobo Sat 06 Jan 2018, 1:13 pm

    If we don't see Iraq taking a place at the table "internationally" prior or around the time of the donor conference, I will be very surprised.

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    Keywords: More than 70 countries will be invited to the donor conference in Kuwait Empty Re: Keywords: More than 70 countries will be invited to the donor conference in Kuwait

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