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    Tehran: We will definitely not allow our military installations to be inspected

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Tehran: We will definitely not allow our military installations to be inspected Empty Tehran: We will definitely not allow our military installations to be inspected

    Post by Rocky Mon 15 Jan 2018, 3:13 am

    Tehran: We will definitely not allow our military installations to be inspected

    20:30 - 14/01/2018

    Tehran: We will definitely not allow our military installations to be inspected %D8%AC%D9%8A%D8%B4-%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A-696x435
    Information / follow-up ...
    Iran has rejected the terms set by the White House to renegotiate the nuclear deal with Iran and has confirmed it will not allow the IAEA to inspect its military facilities.
    US President Donald Trumple for the last minute .. Trump extends the freezing of sanctions against Iran in the framework of the nuclear agreement
    The statement was made by Iranian Atomic Energy Organization (IAEA) spokesman Behrooz Kamalundi in an interview with Iranian television on Sunday.
    "The issue of inspection does not exist mainly in the Additional Protocol or in the nuclear agreement" between Tehran and the major international powers in 2015, Kamalundi said.
    Kamalundi said that the issue had been discussed previously with the International Atomic Energy Agency has closed this file, stressing that now there is no pretext for the inspection of Iran's military facilities by the Agency.
    The Iranian official stressed that the US president's demands to continue Washington's participation in Iran's nuclear deal is "unfounded."
    Trump, by demanding a search for Iranian military facilities, sought to obtain a refusal from Iran to use it and "to say that Tehran does not allow the inspection, whatever the circumstances," he said.
    He added that under the Additional Protocol, the inspection had principles and access, noting that the Protocol did not include the possibility of inspecting any undisclosed location, and that the sites advertised should carry out nuclear activities.
    "We do not have any military facility with nuclear activities, nor are we looking to acquire a nuclear bomb or a nuclear weapon," he said.

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 1:05 pm