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    French FM visits Iran

    Admin Assist
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    French FM visits Iran Empty French FM visits Iran

    Post by Rocky Mon 22 Jan 2018, 2:17 am

    [rtl]Release Date: 2018/1/22 9:01 • 100 times read[/rtl]
    French FM visits Iran Story_img_5a657e26d0ce5
    (AFP) - French Foreign Minister Jean-Louis Le Roy Duran said he would visit Iran on March 5 to discuss its ballistic missile program and the nuclear deal reached with major powers in 2015 as tensions between the two countries escalated.
    Le Derrane said in an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro on Monday that he would discuss the landmark nuclear deal after US President Donald Trump's January 12 warning to Britain, France and Germany that the deal should be "repaired" or withdrawn. 
    Iranian officials have been particularly skeptical of France's criticism of Tehran's ballistic missile tests and signs of possible sanctions. 
    "If Iran wants to go back to the ranks of countries, it has to cooperate on these issues, otherwise it will always logically be in doubt that it wants to develop nuclear weapons," said Le Drean. 
    Le Drean had canceled a visit to Tehran earlier this month because of demonstrations in Iran.
    Under the UN resolution, which enshrines the nuclear deal with the United States, Iran must refrain from working on ballistic missiles designed to carry nuclear warheads for up to eight years. Some States argue that this formulation does not make that compulsory. 
    Iran denies possessing missiles designed to carry nuclear warheads

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 12:59 pm