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    Athens refuses to hand over Turkish soldiers fleeing after coup against Erdogan

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Athens refuses to hand over Turkish soldiers fleeing after coup against Erdogan Empty Athens refuses to hand over Turkish soldiers fleeing after coup against Erdogan

    Post by Rocky Wed 24 Jan 2018, 3:42 am

    Athens refuses to hand over Turkish soldiers fleeing after coup against Erdogan

    09:53 - 24/01/2018

    Athens refuses to hand over Turkish soldiers fleeing after coup against Erdogan %D8%AC%D9%86%D9%88%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D8%AA%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%83-%D8%A7%D8%AB%D9%8A%D9%86%D8%A7-696x435
    Information / Baghdad ...
    Greece will not hand over Turkish soldiers who fled to Greece after a failed coup attempt in 2016 against President Erdogan, Greek Justice Minister Stavros Kontunis said, but said "a proposal for their trial in Athens is still in place."
    "The issue of the eight soldiers was discussed with Deputy Justice Minister Bilal Ogar in Athens," Sky News quoted the Greek justice minister as saying.
    He added that "the highest court in Greece rejected Turkey's request for the extradition of soldiers and therefore will not be deported," adding that "Greece has reviewed the legal framework for its part and hope that the Turkish side fully understood."
    Eight Turkish soldiers fled by helicopter on 16 July 2016, saying they "felt scared for their lives" and asked for asylum there afterwards. Ending / 25 z

      Current date/time is Wed 15 Jan 2025, 8:52 pm