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    Why is Iran absent for the first time from the Davos Economic Forum?

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     Why is Iran absent for the first time from the Davos Economic Forum? Empty Why is Iran absent for the first time from the Davos Economic Forum?

    Post by Rocky Fri 26 Jan 2018, 1:46 am

    [size=30]Why is Iran absent for the first time from the Davos Economic Forum?[/size]
    25/01/2018 07:17 | Number of readings:
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     Why is Iran absent for the first time from the Davos Economic Forum? Thumbnail.php?file=2017_09_20T150314Z_35109011_HP1ED9K15TDZH_RTRMADP_3_UN_ASSEMBLY_IRAN_718834070
    Trend Press - Continue

    Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qasimi on Wednesday revealed why his country was absent from the World Economic Forum in Davos.

    Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif received an invitation to participate in the forum but said he preferred to remain in Tehran to oversee the implementation of the new structure of the ministry.

    He denied that Zarif canceled his visit to Switzerland at the last minute to participate in the annual event, saying: "Although Zarif received an invitation to participate in the forum, but it is likely to stay in Tehran to supervise and follow-up implementation of the new structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and did not have any program to do An external visit these days. "

    He continued: "The importance of implementing the new structure in the shortest possible time and supervision by the minister personally, it was required to remain in the country .. What can be considered the largest and deepest change in the Iranian Foreign Ministry."

    Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Jawad Zarif was always present at the annual forum, which brings together senior politicians, chief executives and bankers, and often clashed with his Arab Gulf counterparts in competing sessions.

    The work of the 48th Economic Forum of Davos was launched on Tuesday and will continue until Friday under the theme "Building a Common Future in a Dispersed World" with the participation of some 70 heads of state and prime ministers and 340 senior politicians and officials in the world. C

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 12:14 pm