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    Zarif accuses America and Saudi Arabia of arming, "urging" and presenting two facts

    Admin Assist
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     Zarif accuses America and Saudi Arabia of arming, "urging" and presenting two facts Empty Zarif accuses America and Saudi Arabia of arming, "urging" and presenting two facts

    Post by Rocky Fri 26 Jan 2018, 3:30 am

    Zarif accuses America and Saudi Arabia of arming, "urging" and presenting two facts

    Friday, January 26,

     Zarif accuses America and Saudi Arabia of arming, "urging" and presenting two facts NB-227918-636525446932227661

    Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused the United States and Saudi Arabia of supplying them with a "terrorist" organization. 

    Zarif said on Thursday in a tweet on his official Twitter page that US and Saudi propaganda would not change the fact that Tehran had helped defeat the "da'ash" that Riyadh and Washington had orchestrated. 

    Zarif pointed out that statements by White House officials at the Davos World Economic Forum are contrary to the facts and will not change anything

    The Iranian foreign minister stressed in his twittering that: "No matter how the trumpets tried to Tramb and his assistants to produce false alternative facts, and no matter how Saudi Arabia tried to launch the propaganda game to see the light, and no matter how America tried to attribute a defeat to advocate, will not change the following facts: 

    1 - Iran rushed to help The 

    United States and Saudi Arabia have armed this terrorist "organization." 

    Zarif's comments come after remarks by Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir during a panel discussion held on the sidelines of the forum in Switzerland, in which he said that "in the Middle East we have two competing visions . Seeing the darkness and seeing darkness, seeing the darkness is sectarian, trying to restore an empire destroyed thousands of years ago, and using sectarianism and terrorism to interfere in the affairs of other countries.

    "History shows that light always triumphs over darkness," he said. "The Khomeinist revolution in 1979 changed the Middle East to the worst and caused sectarianism in the region, which led to a Sunni reaction that created some extremists among the Sunnis."

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