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    Iran reveals a new development in the stages of the test of combat "compelling"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Iran reveals a new development in the stages of the test of combat "compelling" Empty Iran reveals a new development in the stages of the test of combat "compelling"

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 Jan 2018, 1:48 am

    [size=30]Iran reveals a new development in the stages of the test of combat "compelling"[/size]
    27/01/2018 06:05 | Number of readings: 400
    font size:  Iran reveals a new development in the stages of the test of combat "compelling" Font_decrease  Iran reveals a new development in the stages of the test of combat "compelling" Font_enlarge
     Iran reveals a new development in the stages of the test of combat "compelling" Thumbnail.php?file=1022550376_967477360
    Trend Press - Iran

    [size=16]Iran's former defense minister, Brigadier General Hussein Dehqan, said the fighters of Qaher and Kawther 88 had entered the "Fast Taxi" testing phase.


    "Putting our efforts on the production of defense products, which are a priority for our country and which could affect the battlefield, and raise the level of deterrence of the Islamic Republic of Iran," Dahqan said in an interview.

    "The fighter is a training aircraft with the possibility of near-ground support. The fighter has entered the pilot test stage. One of these tests is to check the possibility of running on the runway. This type of test is usually called Slow Taxi, The plane passes through the runway quickly on the runway with what is said to be the term "Fast Taxi" in preparation for flying and flying.

    "During each stage of the tests the strengths and weaknesses of the aircraft are shown before they are prepared for flight. After all the aircraft systems have successfully passed the tests, the fighter is introduced to the production line. As for the Qahir and Kawther 88 fighters, the two fighters have reached the" Fast Taxi " . C

      Current date/time is Wed 11 Sep 2024, 7:17 am