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    Trump: The United States supports the Iranian people in their fight for freedom

    Admin Assist
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    Trump: The United States supports the Iranian people in their fight for freedom Empty Trump: The United States supports the Iranian people in their fight for freedom

    Post by Rocky Wed 31 Jan 2018, 3:28 am

    Trump: The United States supports the Iranian people in their fight for freedom
    January 31 2018 10:06 p
    Trump: The United States supports the Iranian people in their fight for freedom 1020171301843254687614

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US President Donald Trump pledged Wednesday that his country would continue its fight against a "pre-emptive" organization until the defeat of the organization, and while Russia and China were seen as defying America, he called on Congress to reconsider the "terrible" nuclear deal with Iran. 

    "The terrorists are not just criminals, they are murderers and enemies of the Americans," Trump said in his address to Congress. "We will continue the fight until we are completely defeated." 

    "Just before coming here, I ordered Defense Secretary Jim Matisse to review the policy of military arrest and keep detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay open," he said. 

    "We face rogue regimes, terrorist groups and competitors all over the world, such as China and Russia, who are challenging our interests, our economy and our values," he said.

    "America has provided more than 20 billion dollars in aid to these countries, and I call on Congress to work to make these funds in the interests of America, and to go only to America's friends and not to its enemies." 

    In a separate context, Trump pointed out that "when the Iranian people rose up against the crimes of corrupt dictatorship, I did not remain silent," keeping in mind that "the United States supports the Iranian people in their struggle for freedom." 

    The US president called on Congress to "reconsider the terrible nuclear deal with Iran."


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