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    US military: Prevent publication of data on the Afghanistan war happened because of human error

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     US military: Prevent publication of data on the Afghanistan war happened because of human error  Empty US military: Prevent publication of data on the Afghanistan war happened because of human error

    Post by Rocky Wed 31 Jan 2018, 3:36 am

    US military: Prevent publication of data on the Afghanistan war happened because of human error

    Wednesday, January 31,

     US military: Prevent publication of data on the Afghanistan war happened because of human error  NB-228338-636529773090146960

    ) - A decision to ban publication of important statements on the Afghan war was a "human error" in the description, the US military said, after a control body criticized the measure, which it said restricts public accountability in the 16-year-old conflict. 

    According to the newspaper "Middle East", over the years accustomed to the Office of the Special Inspector General for the reconstruction of Afghanistan , published a quarterly report includes non - confidential data on the territory controlled by the Taliban and the government space or under the influence of each.

    However, the inspector-general said in a report that he had been instructed not to publish some of that information anymore. 

    "The mission of steadfast support was not intended to withhold or confuse information that was available in previous reports," said Tom Grisbak, a US military spokesman on behalf of the steadfast support mission in Afghanistan. 

    "As of October 2017, 56 percent of Afghanistan was under government control or under its influence," he said.

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