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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iran: The rules of the game have changed and America, Israel and Saudi Arabia bow

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iran: The rules of the game have changed and America, Israel and Saudi Arabia bow Empty Iran: The rules of the game have changed and America, Israel and Saudi Arabia bow

    Post by Rocky Tue 13 Feb 2018, 2:53 am

    Iran: The rules of the game have changed and America, Israel and Saudi Arabia bow22:58 - 12/02/2018

    Iran: The rules of the game have changed and America, Israel and Saudi Arabia bow 5a81ce0095a5971d468b4610-696x392
    Information / follow up
    The commander of the Iranian Air Force Brigadier General Hassan Shah Safi stressed that the rules of the game changed in Syria and West Asia in general after the closure of the file, "Daash," and the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia to bow to it.
    "There are two options for Washington, Tel Aviv and Riyadh, either to bow to changing the rules of the new security and political game or to cling, as I have done in the past, to provoke tension and war," the Iranian military official said.
    "These plans, which cost hundreds of billions of dollars, would have contributed to the security of Israel and served the instrument of Wahhabism and the colonial interests of America and the West, but only strengthened the capacity and role of the regional" resistance axis "as" The main player ", which has changed the rules of the game and expanded its circle.
    "In recent years, Washington, Riyadh and Tel Aviv have noticed the strengthening of Iran's role in the region, especially during the war on" the Da'ash, "Shah Safi said, and began working to limit the influence of the Islamic Republic by using soft tactics and wars. With Tehran.
    The official blamed the United States and Israel for standing behind the referendum on the secession of the Kurdistan region of Iraq and "the rest of the events in the region." He stressed that Iran, as the "axis of resistance in the face of American ambitions to dominate West Asia, depends on sovereignty and popular security.
    Iran's defense capabilities do not violate the security of the region but are a firm pillar of security in the sensitive Gulf region, he said. "The message of the Iranian forces is a message of peace and aspiration to cooperate and develop military ties with other countries." End 25 n

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