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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    11~07~2013 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 54

    11~07~2013 Horoscopes Empty 11~07~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Thu 07 Nov 2013, 8:52 am

        It is easy for you to communicate with others. In fact, it may be puzzling to some, how you can keep so many long-term friendships. This is a great time to be with others and to work in a team. You may be sought after as the right person for a particular job. Although you hold friendship in high esteem, you also appreciate independence and may find yourself in some area of town or country that affords you time to meditate with nature. It could be that you are waiting for a co-worker to show up before you show some property to a prospective buyer. These are important moments, in that much insight can be drawn from your quiet times. You might enjoy a bit of bird watching from time to time. The types of birds in your area may surprise you.

        You deal with abstract matters while remaining practical. Some will think there is a conflict, but you will work with the complexities and create the opportunity for inspiration. This could be anything from two old recipes combined into a new and better inspiration, to a new way for the big tanker trucks to be safer on the highways. Making yourself clearly understood is very important just now. Your timing should be perfect and those around you should find you most spontaneous and alive. This afternoon you may agree to help a friend with some important matters that might, in turn, help you. This could include teaching someone to balance personal accounts, or to help someone choose a large purchase. A weekend trip may be planned.

    You know exactly what you are doing and where you are going today. Elements of timing and luck ride with you. Correct choices and the best path for you just now may be clear at this time. You seem more confident and your communications to others show definition and strength. Leadership qualities are showing and a higher-up is ready to give you the challenges you ask for now. Your positive attitude is an example for all. Attention this afternoon is on family relationships, a domestic adjustment and the realization that a financial picture still needs work, but has a brighter future than you thought. This is a good time to write and communicate with real originality. This evening you visit with a young person about school and studies.

        You may find a sense of challenge or blockage this morning. Any emotional support you think you may need will come from the confidence you have in your past abilities to solve problems. You clear your mind and work through any problem that you may encounter. Challenging authority will not play in your favor, however--easy does it. Create a presentation for any change you might see that is needed--do not verbally express these thoughts for now. This way you can phrase your words appropriately in writing with no emotional overtones. Radical and inventive ideas hold the key to realizing your ambitions and advancing your status. Do not expect changes overnight! Your social life is more fun than ever. Be prepared for some unexpected surprises.

        Learn from a boss or mentor. Take your time and study what is presented. You have some valuable information to assimilate. Your analytical abilities are at a high point and you are very motivated to improve your work abilities. You have a lot of energy as well as a positive attitude. There is a feeling of being at peace and stable on the emotional level. Stability and permanence satisfy a deep emotional need. Lovers, children and other people or things dear to your heart are emphasized this afternoon. You may be helping a young person with homework or it may be an opportunity to guide someone in matters of importance. Being appreciated and admired for your gifts and talents brings you a great deal of satisfaction. Music fills the air this evening.

        Work events this thursday open an opportunity to step in and use your ideas to find new solutions to old problems. You may find yourself able to interject your own ideas and put them into practice. This is a great time to be with others and to work in a team. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job. You may find yourself succeeding and moving ahead by using your mind and thoughts more than ever before. Communication and research in all forms could be a key area for your career growth now. You could come up with new solutions or inventions. You are in a great mood of self-enjoyment this evening and can appreciate your own better qualities. Old emotional wounds heal as you glean some truths by meditations.

        You may soon be receiving the answer you have been waiting for today. Perhaps you are ready to begin a project and it needed approval before you can continue. It is your turn for decision making. This is the time that you become more independent. You learn new techniques for your way of working that help you gain some fame--only the best in your profession know what you know. This time marks the start of increased responsibility and accountability. This is also a time for self-appreciation. Now is the time to make that outward push and ride the crest of the wave into fame and fortune. It will be hard for you to do wrong, for all the cycles are working in your favor. This is a time when you may marry or take on a new role in the community.

        Lots of deep concentration in the workplace may keep you off to yourself this morning. Completing some difficult assignment or reading instructions to some new equipment can keep you quite busy. Obviously, this is a day of great mental activity. You become very much the expert at search and inquiry into the nature of most any subject--be it life, scientific research, or what have you. Your investigations will take you into some interesting places. Your passions for searching and discovering take hold now. You may be very eloquent or forceful in speaking or communicating. People will understand just what you mean. This evening is a good time to settle down with a good book or take in a movie. On the home front, a wish is coming true.

        There is a lot of energy available today for accomplishing just about anything you want to attempt. This energy can cause you to be a bit impatient with others, however. So, be aware of your response to others and try to think before you speak. You may be looking for new experiences today. There are new opportunities to expand your knowledge. The experience itself is what is foremost in your mind--not so much what you can get out of it. You seek contact, involvement and are not concerned about private matters. You will find yourself giving into another way of doing things, as you do not want to be slowed by emotional frustrations. Your ability to manage and supervise people does not go unnoticed by superiors.

        There is a great deal you learn from a boss or mentor this thursday. Take your time and study what is presented--you have some valuable information to assimilate. It takes very little time to unravel the problems that occur today. A casual get-together after work with some of your friends may end up in a bigger get-together than you had imagined. Do not feel bad about attracting most of the attention in a group--you know a lot of people. People love to be with you. A dialogue with an older person may take place and a good conversation with those you love is possible. You value fairness in all things and go out of your way to be just. You appreciate others who have been successful and may surround yourself with those in power.

        You realize that you are very lucky to be surrounded by upstanding people that you can trust and confide in, when you need them. Now it is time to check yourself and be willing to help others when they come to you. It is always thoughtful to take some time out to write or say some sort of thank you to the people who make you who you are today. This is a very good day for job-related events. You may shine in your particular job or find that promotional or practical insights come with ease. You could represent or speak for your company or communicate about your skills. Persistent, intense and serious in the afternoon, you will find yourself locating the root of a difficult problem. This evening a social opportunity may find you dancing and singing.

        If the game of poker were the game of life, you would have the winning hand today. You can still hold the winning or upper hand by keeping that poker face during office negotiations. You have an inborn sense of mass psychology, what the public wants and dreams of, and your ideas or projections are usually on target. Financial speculation or dealings with partners will soon see positive results. You can project images of what is desirable or ideal, using words and ideas that are enchanting and spellbinding. You would make a great film director. Circumstances should work together at this time to help bring out your talents--make it easier to make your dreams real. You may find that you are chosen for that part in a new community play

      Current date/time is Sat 18 Jan 2025, 2:01 pm