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    Specialize: No change in central bank policy!

    Admin Assist
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    Specialize: No change in central bank policy!   Empty Specialize: No change in central bank policy!

    Post by Rocky Wed 06 Feb 2013, 2:59 pm

    Specialize: No change in central bank policy!

    Spokesman Mohammed

    Tuesday, February 5, 2013 20:03
    What has changed in the policy of the central bank after the sacking of the previous administration? Question baffles many observers of the political uproar raised by the parliament and the government recently, as a result of what they saw as the policy of the "wrong" pursued by former bank officials.
    Sensation of the Central Bank, began to "slander" and the arrest of the bank's employees, including the appearance of Dr. Mohammed Saleh, deputy governor of the Bank, who was released on bail, and ended with the dismissal Shabibi former Fed governor. But has anything changed in the bank's policy, which was sacked because of sacked and arrested arrested?
    Member of the Finance Committee in Parliament Magda Tamimi said he "did not notice a significant change in the amount of foreign currency sold in the auction currency and gold prices."
    She Tamimi in a statement to "by the people" yesterday, said the bank had "reduced its reserves of gold by about nineteen tons which, as is known is a cover of the coin", noting that the parliament "towards hosting the central bank governor proxy next week after adoption of the budget, To inquire about a number of things, including the size of the change in central bank policy during this last period and the strategy works on the basis of which ".
    And went on that the parliament will present a series of questions "about the reasons for the reduction of gold reserves, and where I went reduced quantities?", Mrdfah saying that "Parliament is determined to ask these questions after the adoption of the federal budget next week."
    The spokeswoman explained that the parliament "has not made any change in central bank policy, despite the passage of four months, in addition to the currency amounts are almost the same amounts sold currency so that the exchange rate is high."
    For his part, sees Majid picture "assessment in a matter of changing the policy of the Central Bank of premature at this time," explaining that "According to observers, the procedures have not changed so far and the effects on the economic arena are the same as the previous effects."
    Suri He is "Eogod no change in the subject of supervision of banks other is a very sensitive subject, and it is necessary to deal with the banking system accurately, and taken interest of the banks and the national economy into consideration." He stressed the need to be "process of supervision and control is based on the light of certain economic trends, but according to indicators, such as in the instructions issued on the third of January 2011."

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