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    Kurdish blocs are considering new proposals to resolve the budget crisis

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Kurdish blocs are considering new proposals to resolve the budget crisis Empty Kurdish blocs are considering new proposals to resolve the budget crisis

    Post by Rocky Sat 17 Feb 2018, 2:36 am

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    Kurdish blocs are considering new proposals to resolve the budget crisis

    Announced the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in the House of Representatives Arafat Karam, that the heads of Kurdish blocs in the Council will meet to "discuss a number of new proposals with members of the Kurds in the Finance Committee." 
    Karam said in a press statement that the heads of the Kurdish blocs in the Iraqi Council of Representatives will meet today, Saturday, February 17, 2018, again among themselves and with the Kurdish members of the Finance Committee parliamentary, "There are new proposals regarding the share of the Kurds from the draft law of the Iraqi budget has been reached, And we will discuss them and offer them to the Iraqi government. "
    Karam believes that voting on the Iraqi budget bill for 2018 will be very difficult. "The vote on the bill needs a new session, and this is very difficult now, because there are more than 50 Shiite deputies, Law, and miss every meeting about one hundred deputies, so the ratification of the project is very difficult without reaching an agreement with the Kurds and Sunnis and this section of the Shiite deputies.
    According to the draft law of the Iraqi general budget for 2018, approved by the Council of Ministers of Iraq on 5 November 2017, the share of the Kurdistan region was reduced from 17% to 12.67%, and the project does not use the designation of the Kurdistan Regional Government, and replaced by the Kurdistan Regional Government, Kurds in this attempt to evade recognition of the Kurdistan Regional Government. The deputies of Kurdistan have submitted a project of nine points to resolve these problems, but the Iraqi government did not provide a clear answer to solve the problems.
    Sunni MPs have a lot of criticism for the draft budget law and are not ready to vote on it, and boycotting with the Kurdish deputies the meetings that put the draft budget for discussion.

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