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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Learn about the most common disease among Iraqis

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Learn about the most common disease among Iraqis Empty Learn about the most common disease among Iraqis

    Post by Rocky Tue 20 Feb 2018, 3:20 am

    Learn about the most common disease among Iraqis
    February 20 2018 11:29 p
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    Baghdad Post

    The head of the mission of Iraq at the MSF, Carla Bruimans, on Tuesday, that diabetes is one of the most common spread among Iraqis, and indicated that the organization is considering expanding its work after the war against "Daash." 

    "After the end of the war, our work has been divided into two parts: the first concerns the liberated areas that have returned to their families, and they are within the borders of 3 million displaced people. We provide them with health, medical and psychological care," Bruimans said in an interview with the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida. Psychological rehabilitation to accept the new situation. " 

    She added that "the rehabilitation of some health centers and hospitals, which were not affected by much of the war on" Dahesh, "and we had a shortage of medical staff, so we began to train Iraqi crews to work to fill the vacuum in those centers and hospitals.

    "The second part is to work on more than one program, such as providing medical and health assistance and assistance to displaced people who are still in the camps through mobile hospitals, because their areas are still destroyed or there are still mines that need to be removed and cleared. But there are still many displaced people, because they do not feel secure in their areas, fear of returning sleeper cells from the "dick", or because of the destruction of their homes, schools and hospitals. 

    "We are trying to expand the work cycle to include all those affected. We provide primary health care and treat chronic diseases that can be treated, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, one of the most common diseases among Iraqis," she said.

      Current date/time is Wed 15 Jan 2025, 4:00 am