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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Haboury: Political parties disrupt the laws to serve their personal interests

    Admin Assist
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    Haboury: Political parties disrupt the laws to serve their personal interests Empty Haboury: Political parties disrupt the laws to serve their personal interests

    Post by Rocky Sat 24 Feb 2018, 3:14 am

    Haboury: Political parties disrupt the laws to serve their personal interests
    February 24 2018 02:40 p
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    [rtl][rtl]An argument within parliament[/rtl]
    Baghdad Post

    Iraq news
    The law in post-occupation Iraq has become a means to achieve personal goals and interests by adapting it to suit the influential parties in the country.
    In this context, the member of parliament, the Union of Forces Ashwaq al-Jubouri, the disruption of important laws in parliament because of the conditions and sizes set by the political blocs to pass any law, confirming the state of legal corruption rampant in the country since 2003. 

    Jubouri said in a press statement, MPs are close to completion and there are a lot of laws that serve the citizen will not recognize because of the leaders of political blocs. 

    Jubouri added that some of them want to separate the laws on their sizes in order to serve their partisan and personal interests. 

    Jubouri said that one of the important laws that have not been voted on the law criminalization of sectarianism because it did not serve the interests of leaders of political blocs.


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