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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    11~11~2013 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 53

    11~11~2013 Horoscopes  Empty 11~11~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Mon 11 Nov 2013, 9:08 am

        Being practical and conscientious is of special importance today. Sorting things out and getting them organized efficiently keeps you busy. You may adopt a more unconventional appearance or manner of communicating and expressing yourself to others. You have a most remarkable insight and you are a clever inventor. Others sense your concern over their welfare and you may not be able to escape the positive admiration that comes your way because of your need to make people or things work well together. Someone may take you to lunch or do a favor without expecting reciprocation. Others appreciate your kindness. Your friendships, partnerships and other relationships mean a lot. They are a primary sources of strength and support.

        Ambition and the desire for status can get a little out of touch with reality. Stay focused--attend to the normal duties and then you will see where you can be of benefit and move forward. Business opportunities that include conferences and lectures may open new possibilities. Circumstances can throw you into positions where you must use your mind and deal with communications, service or enclosed hidden interests. You may deal with education, psychology, spiritual enlightenment or the teaching of principles and techniques. This afternoon a friend may interest you in a competition sport that is good for your mind as well as your body. You may enjoy setting up a regular schedule for this activity. Learn ways to increase your energy level.

    You are practical as you deal and work with others and you may also be able to help others see the practical side of issues. You know just what to do and can act quickly and accurately. You have wonderful creative ideas and when you are feeling brave you will do well to put your idea on paper, date it and unveil the item for all to see when the time is right. Your career could open up by taking up different methods than the usual--new approaches. You may be especially dynamic and assertive just now. There is a lot of energy available for whatever needs to be accomplished. Penetrating analysis, particularly with a group in relation to work or community projects, may be in order soon. You evaluate some group choices this evening.

        After a little too much breakfast, you might decide to park further away from your office this morning. The power of organization on a social scale--business, political and such--seems to come to your attention today. It is as if ambition and authority are answers in themselves, rather than only a means to an ideal objective. This can lead to duplicity and confusion; proceed with care. Your intuitive powers are strong and can be used successfully as you choose methods and make important decisions. This afternoon you may enjoy a visit to the library to check out a special book or movie that you have been waiting so long to absorb. This evening, marriage contracts and partnerships are seen as keys to success and happiness and they are rewarding.

        If you go that extra mile, no one can block your way. Your potential for success is enormous and this is a lucky day as well. With all of this emotional energy, you could speak or communicate very well. You have a strong mental drive. Perhaps through teaching or guiding you will find yourself helping someone younger than you. You can demonstrate great understanding and sensitivity to the needs of a friend or stranger. You are in a good position to communicate or guide others. This afternoon your friends may include you in some group activity. It is certainly a good time to be with your friends. This evening there is a kind of romantic wistfulness. This could mean a longing for a soul mate or a yearning to save the world.

        You bring out your dream journals and try to figure out your latest dream. A dream about your financial situation helps you to clarify some emotional issues that have been plaguing you lately. We sometimes tend to see our self-worth in terms of our net worth. You are at your most practical when it comes to dealing and working with others. You know just what to do in difficult or puzzling situations and you can act without letting emotions get in the way. You feel successful and able to solve problems--quick answers, great wit and a surplus of insights and solutions are at the ready. Good advice from a guide or older person may help you to see that you will soon be able to make your financial dreams come true. A visitor gives you compliments.

        Keep those positive thoughts coming--you are learning how to transform the negative. This is a great day to work with others. Round-table discussions or conferences with higher-ups may be in order all day. Financial understanding and a practical turn of mind are qualities that take on greater importance. You have a wheeler-dealer attitude with a knack for knowing how to put people, ideas and things together profitably. Playing the role of a catalyst can be rewarding. If there is not a permanent love relationship, you may find one developing this afternoon. If there is a permanent relationship, you will find the feelings between the two of you have deepened. A sense of support and harmony on the home front make this a happy time.

        You try to right a wrong today and feel better for having made the effort. A business contact wants to build a friendship with you and as you get to know more about each other, you discover you have many things in common drawing you together. You are in a good position to communicate concerning groups and society in general. This is a perfect time to be assertive and to move forward with your career decisions. You have all the drive and energy you could want, and it should be easy to channel it. The path is open and clear. Don't be afraid to let others, especially your loved ones, know that you need a little attention. Your accomplishments are your self-image, rather than your personality. Get out-of-doors today, rain or no rain.

        This morning you may find yourself unusually motivated or driven in new and unexpected directions. You could receive unexpected backing and, in general, your efforts are successful. There may also be an opportunity to teach one or more new employees, or to be available for answering questions they may have. New and unexpected emotions may surface. It may have occurred to you that a little extra income would be nice for the upcoming holiday season. An opportunity to tutor is available and you consider the work as it is temporary. A loved one may want a gift that you cannot afford; however, with a part time job, you can get that perfect gift if you want. It is easy for you to find the proper path to help you make dreams real.

        You know exactly what you are doing, but it may take longer than you think to accomplish your tasks--a lot of interruptions prevail, most of the day. You have a quick wit and may have to resort to using that wit just so the tension is eased somewhat. Expect a sense of support and goodwill from those around you. This is a time of much energy and drive, perfect for wading through the interruptions that come your way. Exercise is a necessity today and if the weather is acceptable get outside and walk. Your mind runs to humanitarian values and thoughts of what could and should be improved upon. Ideas connected with group work and goals making your inner vision real are natural. Community work just may naturally be in the forecast.

        An easy, calm day should find everything running smoothly. Ideas and interaction with authority figures or older people may be in the forecast. Working with--rather than against--the flow should be easy for you to do, but perhaps not for someone older than you. Lightning fast when it comes to the business deal, you seem to have direct insight into what is worthwhile as well as worthless in a situation. You will find a way to cut through the red tape and get at what is important. Be patient when working with the senior members of your firm; you will want them to see the worth of your presentation and that will take thorough, clear and patient communication. You work through all that is superficial, no matter what kind of sacrifice.

        This workday flows along without too many problems. Your evaluation of matters as well as the decisions you make today will be clear and focused. There could be a slowdown in transportation, but confirmation of schedules should help assuage this situation. There is much communication with friends and family this afternoon. Someone is getting married or having a baby. Plans could be in the works for a party. With a love of authority figures, plus an appreciation for authority and your elders in general, you are welcome at most any social scene. You may find yourself involved in a golf game, tennis or other similar sport activity this afternoon. Not only do you enjoy all sorts of sports--you enjoy the chatter with friends.

      Current date/time is Sun 08 Sep 2024, 8:11 pm