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    The Central Bank announces the readiness of the amounts required to pay the salaries of the employee

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    The Central Bank announces the readiness of the amounts required to pay the salaries of the employee Empty The Central Bank announces the readiness of the amounts required to pay the salaries of the employee

    Post by Rocky Mon 12 Mar 2018, 8:44 am

    [ltr]The Central Bank announces the readiness of the amounts required to pay the salaries of the employees of the region[/ltr]
     Since 2018-03-12 at 14:27 (Baghdad time)
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    [ltr]Baghdad Mawazine News[/ltr]
    [ltr]The Central Bank of Iraq announced on Monday that the amounts required to pay the salaries of employees of the Kurdistan region ready in the central branch in Erbil, and they are waiting for the instruction of Prime Minister Haider Abadi.[/ltr]
    [ltr]The Governor of the Bank Ali Alaq at a press conference held in Arbil followed by / Mawazin News, "The statement by the Prime Minister at the last conference is the news that you have heard and heard, too, and we look good, as for our visit is to the branch of the Central Bank in Erbil as well as coordination with the Ministry of Finance In the region, to coordinate some of the matters related to the regulation of the banking sector in the region.[/ltr]
    [ltr]The governor added that "the central bank usually keep the amounts in its branches, and if there is a request to pay to certain parties, we have to respond to these calls, if the government has the intention to pay salaries and this is what we hope of course, we are ready and the amounts exist, if we came to Before the prime minister. " This came in response to a question on the presence of more than 250 billion dinars in the branch of the Central Bank of Iraq, and whether to pay the salaries of employees in the region or not.[/ltr]
    [ltr]He pointed out that "the indicators we hear in the recent period indicate that things will be positive, and there are no options but there are agreements on things."[/ltr]

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    Understood Investor
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    The Central Bank announces the readiness of the amounts required to pay the salaries of the employee Empty Re: The Central Bank announces the readiness of the amounts required to pay the salaries of the employee

    Post by Wheelman Mon 12 Mar 2018, 12:18 pm

    Good News!????????????
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    The Central Bank announces the readiness of the amounts required to pay the salaries of the employee Empty Re: The Central Bank announces the readiness of the amounts required to pay the salaries of the employee

    Post by weslin3 Mon 12 Mar 2018, 1:30 pm

    Sounds good...
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    The Central Bank announces the readiness of the amounts required to pay the salaries of the employee Empty relations of Erbil: the payment of salaries of Kurdistan depends on the decision of a person

    Post by Rocky Tue 13 Mar 2018, 3:22 am

    relations of Erbil: the payment of salaries of Kurdistan depends on the decision of a person[/size]
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     2 hours ago

    The governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali al-Alaq, that the payment of salaries of employees of the Kurdistan region has become dependent on a decision issued by Prime Minister Haider Abadi. 
    "Once the decision is made by Mr. Abbadi, the bank's branch in Erbil will pay salaries," Al-Alak told reporters in Arbil. 
    "The branch of the bank in Barbil is ready for this task and the funds are available in it, and the subject depends on the decision of the prime minister." 
    On Sunday evening, a delegation from the Iraqi government arrived in Arbil, headed by Ali al-Alaq and with the membership of Qasim Attiyah, undersecretary of the Minister of Planning and a representative of the Civil Aviation Authority. 
    The visit comes after Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi said during the weekly press conference last Tuesday that the employees of the Kurdistan region will receive their salaries, in addition to the airports of Arbil and Sulaymaniyah will resume their international activity, before the holiday of Norouz.
    "We expect the salaries to be released in the next few days," said Izzat Saber, a member of the finance committee of the Kurdistan Regional Parliament.

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    The Central Bank announces the readiness of the amounts required to pay the salaries of the employee Empty Alaq discusses with the Minister of Finance of Kurdistan, the payment of salaries of employees in t

    Post by Rocky Tue 13 Mar 2018, 4:07 am

    Alaq discusses with the Minister of Finance of Kurdistan, the payment of salaries of employees in the region before the holidays of Noroz

    Tuesday 13 March 2018

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    Governor of the Central Bank Ali al-Alaq, on Tuesday, with the Minister of Finance of Kurdistan and officials in the ministry to discuss the salaries of employees of the Ministries of Health and Education in the region before the holidays of Noroz. 

    The correspondent of Alsumaria News, that the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Alalak held a closed meeting with the Minister of Finance of the Territory and officials in the ministry. 

    He added that the meeting included the discussion of the amounts in the branch of the Central Bank of Iraq in Erbil and some other details and the most important disbursement of these amounts as salaries to employees of the ministries of health and education in the region before the holidays of Noroz.

    On Tuesday, March 12, 2018, al-Aalak announced the readiness of the bank's branch in Kurdistan to pay salaries to employees in the event of an order from Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi. 

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    The Central Bank announces the readiness of the amounts required to pay the salaries of the employee Empty Re: The Central Bank announces the readiness of the amounts required to pay the salaries of the employee

    Post by weslin3 Tue 13 Mar 2018, 8:49 am

    "We expect the salaries to be released in the next few days,"

    Wonder if this will have any impact of things to come??
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    The Central Bank announces the readiness of the amounts required to pay the salaries of the employee Empty Financial Kurdistan: Abadi sent the employees' salaries to the Central Bank Barbel

    Post by Rocky Tue 13 Mar 2018, 4:45 pm

    Financial Kurdistan: Abadi sent the employees' salaries to the Central Bank Barbel

    Since 03/13/2018 15:44 am (Baghdad time)

    Erbil balances News

    A statement of the Kurdistan Region and Minister of Rebaz lambs, Tuesday, sending Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, amounts of Kurdistan employees' salaries to Arbil, referring to Odaa amounts in the central bank branch in Arbil.

    He said lambs at a press conference with the Governor of the Central Bank, on the Keywords attended / scales News /, said that "90% of the work of health and education staff salaries audit in the Kurdistan region has been completed after the federal government delegation meeting with the government of Arbil", calling on al-Abadi to "speed up regardless of the territory of the employees' salaries before Nowruz holiday. "

    He pointed out that "the Baghdad government deposited the salaries of employees of the region amounts branch of the Central Bank of Iraq in Arbil," explaining that "salaries need a direct order from the Abadi to be paid."

    For his part, he said the Keywords, "The provincial government has cooperated effectively with the Baghdad government in the framework of delivery of financial imports and bring it back to the supervision of the central bank in Arbil." He called for "intensifying cooperation between Erbil and Baghdad's efforts within the constitution" .anthy

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