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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Deputy: We need two sessions to pass 23 laws ready to vote

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Deputy: We need two sessions to pass 23 laws ready to vote Empty Deputy: We need two sessions to pass 23 laws ready to vote

    Post by Rocky Mon 19 Mar 2018, 4:45 am

    Deputy: We need two sessions to pass 23 laws ready to vote

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    MP on the coalition of state law, Abbas al-Bayati , on Monday, the need to hold two parliamentary sessions in order to pass 23 laws ready to vote, calling for the non-transfer of these laws to the next parliamentary session. Because it is not possible to leave this way and migrate to the next session after it has been completed and reached the advanced stages. " 

    He said al-Bayati said in an interview with Alsumaria News," The lack of quorum for the start of parliamentary sessions is a responsibility jointly bear the presidency of parliament and deputies absent and heads of blocs, Noting that "there is importance to mobilize efforts to exploit the remaining period of this month to pass the remaining laws on the agenda.
    "There are about 20 to 23 laws ready to vote or completed the first or second reading and we need to hold a session or two to pass because it can not be left so and deported to the next session after the completion and reached the advanced stages." 

    He said that "the deportation of laws means returning to square one and start again with the next session and this means loss of time and effort," noting that "the blocks that have keen to win the confidence of the people at this time to intensify attendance for the last sessions and pass the remaining laws, The life of the citizen. " 

    The House of Representatives postponed its meeting, which was supposed to be held on Thursday (15 March 2018), to another notice after being unable to hold due to the lack of quorum, while excluded the MP from the coalition of forces Ahmed Jubouri, on Sunday, the possibility of completing the parliament quorum for the next meetings Or pass the remaining laws on its agenda.

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