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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Deputy for Badr: The next government will be formed by a consensus majority

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Deputy for Badr: The next government will be formed by a consensus majority Empty Deputy for Badr: The next government will be formed by a consensus majority

    Post by Rocky Thu 22 Mar 2018, 2:36 am

    Deputy for Badr: The next government will be formed by a consensus majority

    09:11 - 22/03/2018
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    Information / Baghdad ..
    The deputy of the Badr parliamentary bloc, Hanin Qado, on Thursday, that the new government will differ from its predecessors and will form a consensus majority without problems with the rest of the parties, stressing that the suffering of Iraq came because of the demands of the parties that formed the government.
    "The government of the next political majority does not mean excluding the rest of the components, but will be a consensual government that satisfies everyone," Qaddo said in a statement.
    He added that "the new government must have a special program without subject to dictates or conditions imposed by the rest of the parties as it happens today," adding that "the quota and partnership has delayed many laws over the current session and the previous parliamentary sessions."
     "The current government program was drawn up according to the conditions imposed by the parties and the political blocs in the state administration, and therefore the prime minister followed the government decree by the parties, which will be lost by the next government," he said. Ending / 25 n

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