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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Karkh health: receiving 275 cases of suffocation due to the dust storm

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Karkh health: receiving 275 cases of suffocation due to the dust storm Empty Karkh health: receiving 275 cases of suffocation due to the dust storm

    Post by Rocky Mon 26 Mar 2018, 6:18 am

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    Karkh health: receiving 275 cases of suffocation due to the dust storm
    Al-Nour News / Baghdad Baghdad 
    Health Department announced that Karkh received 275 cases of suffocation due to the dust storm that hit the capital in its health institutions.
    "The health institutions of Baghdad Health Department Karkh have received since Saturday evening until the storm ended yesterday evening (275) cases of suffocation due to the dust storm that hit the province," Ahmad al-Haidari, director of media in the department, said in a statement.
    He added that "our medical and health staff fully mobilized their efforts to receive the suffocation cases that usually accompany those storms as a contingency plan was put in place to save those cases and indeed our members gave all their belongings to save those cases, all of which emerged from our hospitals after the improvement of health."
    He explained that "the largest percentage of cases of suffocation registered at Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, which received (73) cases, and 31 cases in the hospital Mohammed Baqer Hakim, 48 cases of suffocation in the central hospital and 25 cases in the hospital Karkh General And (18) cases in the children's hospital Kadhimiya and (35) a case of suffocation in the hospital and the rest of the cases were recorded in hospitals in emergency lounges. "
    "Our medical and health staff continues to provide the best services by working 24 hours to provide medical and therapeutic services to all citizens."

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