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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The former Department of TBI granted loans without guarantees worth $ 112 million to members of the

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    The former Department of TBI granted loans without guarantees worth $ 112 million to members of the  Empty The former Department of TBI granted loans without guarantees worth $ 112 million to members of the

    Post by Rocky Mon 18 Nov 2013, 2:54 am

    The former Department of TBI granted loans without guarantees worth $ 112 million to members of the Iraqi National Congress Party

    TBI TBI previous director was Hussein Azri close of Chalabi


    BAGHDAD / obelisk: I got "obelisk" a document of the Bank Iraqi Trade TBI confirms that there are more than $ 112 million unaccounted for and doubtful debts in the recoverability awarded by the previous administration of the bank كتسهيلات and loans without collateral to the people, the document said they belonged to the Iraqi National Congress, which led by MP Ahmad Chalabi.

    The document states, namely reading, written in the book light of the fact-finding committee in the House of Representatives signed a MP Ahmed Abdel Hadi Chalabi, head of the Iraqi National Congress and directed to the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers ask to know he or she is director general of the Trade Bank of Iraq now.

    The document says, "We are here emphasize the need and importance of this book also confirm that the process of searching for facts must be inclusive of all administrative and financial issues."

    She continued, "We believe that it was better for the fact-finding committee and MP Mr. Ahmed Abdel Hadi Chalabi looking for unknown amounts and doubtful debts which was awarded by the previous administration of the bank."

    The document cited "on, but not limited to," she said, and the facilities granted loans without collateral to people and companies owned by the people, all of whom belong to the Iraqi National Congress, led by Chalabi.

    Of these amounts, according to the document:

    1 - $ 50 million to a company owned زكار Luxury Kamran, one of the senior members of the Iraqi National Congress.

    2 - $ 13 million granted to Rafidain resources company owned by people belonging to the National Congress Party (Haider Mohammed Nizar Alhamkhana and Kamran Luxury.

    3 - The amount of $ 19.5 million to a company owned by oil interests Ammar Qais Hussein, who is also belongs to the Iraqi National Congress (note that this company back to Mr. Hazem Abdel Hadi Chalabi.

    4 - The amount of $ 13.2 million to the interests of the company Trading Imklha Ali Hassoun ATM which also belongs to the Iraqi National Congress.

    5 - The amount of $ 13.8 million to a company steadfast and owned by Saif al-Abdul Hamdi Hakim al which also belongs to the Iraqi National Congress.

    6 - The amount of $ 2.8 million to an independent group company owned by Abdul Hakim Hamdi al which also belongs to the Iraqi National Congress.

    The document said that "the list goes on and that these and other names listed in the official website of the Iraqi Trade Bank."

    She also referred to "the London office expenses placebo which amounted مصاريفه up to 4 million pounds."

    Document pointed out that this level of financial irregularities, but many administrative irregularities innumerable and that "all these irregularities have been included within the notes and reports Duane financial control and central bank committees and investigative committee formed of then prime minister."

    The document emphasized what it called points should have been on the fact-finding committee in the House of Representatives attention to it, namely:

    "1 - was on the fact-finding committee attention to what the media publishes disinterested .. and follow the news and know their sources and the degree of credibility.

    2 - on a fact-finding committee to ask the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers the reasons for change of management at the bank and not ask he or she is the current Director-General. This matter is very important especially if we know that the banks and international institutions began inquiring about the health of the news and this negatively affects their dealings with the bank.

    3 - The Trade Bank of Iraq working class basis according to international standards and has strong links with international banks, especially CITI BANK and JP MORGAN, etc. We are now in the best stages of cooperation and international activity and proof of that is the size of conventions and international relations by the bank during the last two years. "

    She said the document reading "We hope the fact-finding committee that based on the reports of the Central Bank and the Financial Inspection Office, as well as to the transparency enjoyed by the Trade Bank of Iraq in the presentation of accounts and achievements of the financial statement of the fact that the financial situation and management of the bank, but based on the news tendentious and false issued by the media to provide Astphasarha to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers. "

    The judgment was issued against the bank manager Hussein, the former Iraqi trade Azri, who has close kinship with the leader of the Iraqi National Congress sentenced to 15 years.

    And commissioned Hamdiya dry that were operating highly expert in the Rafidain Bank, headed by Trade Bank of Iraq, on 18 July 2011 by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, succeeding director of the former Hussein Azri, who fled out of Iraq after being accused of corruption, financial and administrative in the bank, and subsequently issued a memorandum for his arrest on corruption charges.

    The Maliki announced in the second week of last September 2011, the Council of Ministers as directly responsible for the Trade Bank of Iraq decided to form an investigative committee shared the Integrity Commission and the Office of Financial Supervision and the Ministry of Finance and experts, where she presented a report on the irregularities in the Bank Iraqi trade, and that the report referred to the the judicial authorities responsible for consideration.

    He was a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee Ammar al-Shibli has revealed that the former head of the Commercial Bank of Hussein الأرزي of granting loans of millions of dollars in violation of the law for political figures and traders whose place of residence is unknown, including a number of elements of the former regime.


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