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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Services Reveal the Withdrawal of States and Companies at the "Kuwait Conference"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliamentary Services Reveal the Withdrawal of States and Companies at the "Kuwait Conference" Empty Parliamentary Services Reveal the Withdrawal of States and Companies at the "Kuwait Conference"

    Post by Rocky Wed 04 Apr 2018, 11:02 am

    Parliamentary Services Reveal the Withdrawal of States and Companies at the "Kuwait Conference"

    18:52 - 04/04/2018
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    Information / Special ...
    The Parliamentary Services Committee revealed on Wednesday the withdrawal of a number of companies and donor countries participating in the Kuwait conference for the reconstruction of Iraq, and demonstrated the difficulty of achieving the impossible conditions set by the participating countries.
    "There are countries and companies allowed to participate in the Kuwait conference for the reconstruction of Iraq has withdrawn because of the lack of a sound investment environment in the country," said member of the Committee Abdul Hussein Al-Azerjawi told "Information", "There are countries and companies allowed to participate in the Kuwait Conference for the reconstruction of Iraq," pointing out that "the conditions set by donor countries is impossible and can not be achieved through A short period such as the investment law, which needs to amend the parliament and the House of Representatives has oversaw the legislative age to finish, as well as fight corruption, which needs a long period of time to achieve.
    He added that "the amounts given by the future companies and countries for the reconstruction of the areas destroyed by the Dahesh insufficient to the affected areas," noting that "the conference was a propaganda rather than a realistic remedial step, and is likely not to be achieved under the impossible conditions set by the Imam of Iraq."
    And between the political expert and confident al-Hashemi, on Monday, that the offers of the Kuwait Conference of the donor state will take place after the parliamentary elections, while he warned of the slow government in the planning process and bureaucracy that will frustrate others and push them to withdraw.
    It is noteworthy that the "Kuwait International Conference for the Reconstruction of Iraq", hosted by Kuwait between 12 and 14 February, and held with the participation of 76 States and international and regional organizations and 51 of the development funds and 107 local, regional and international non-governmental organizations, as well as 1850 competent private sector, in To collect contributions and assistance needed for the reconstruction of Iraq, and was able to raise amounts worth more than $ 30 billion

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