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    Bin Salman: The Iranian regime is the biggest enemy in the region and not "Shiites"

    Admin Assist
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    Bin Salman: The Iranian regime is the biggest enemy in the region and not "Shiites" Empty Bin Salman: The Iranian regime is the biggest enemy in the region and not "Shiites"

    Post by Rocky Fri 06 Apr 2018, 1:40 am

    Bin Salman: The Iranian regime is the biggest enemy in the region and not "Shiites"
    Arabic and International  Friday, April 06 2018 at 09: 38 am (2 views)
    Bin Salman: The Iranian regime is the biggest enemy in the region and not "Shiites" 20180406_093814-250Bin Salman: The Iranian regime is the biggest enemy in the region and not "Shiites"



    Follow-up / Sky Press:

    Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said on Friday that the Iranian regime is the "biggest enemy" in the region.

    "The biggest enemy in the region is the Iranian regime, not the Shiite community," bin Salman said in an interview with Time magazine. "The dispute is not sectarian with Tehran, but because of the practices of a hardline religious regime."

    He pointed out that "the Kingdom has many Shiite schools since its establishment, and practicing the Shiites in Saudi Arabia their rights as citizens, and live their lives."

    "There is a member of the Saudi cabinet who is a member of the Shiite community, a member of parliament is a member of the Shiite community, and the chief executive of Saudi Aramco, the most important university in the Middle East, is King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. A Shiite person, so we do not distinguish between the Saudis based on their sects, we live in Saudi Arabia as Saudis. "


    "The Iranians are the cause of the problems in the Middle East, but they are not a big threat to the kingdom, because Iran is not among the five largest economies in the Islamic world," he said.


    He pointed out that the Saudi economy "is growing two or three times faster than the Iranian economy, and the UAE, Egypt and Turkey are bigger than the Iranian economy, and there are many Islamic countries that have a larger economy than the Iranian economy."

    "The same applies to the army, they are not among the five largest armies in the Middle East, so they are far behind, but the problem with the regime is that they have kidnapped the country. They are using the assets of their state to achieve their ideological ends ... , And they seek to spread their ideology. Even in the United States. By doing so, their hiding Imam will come out to rule the whole world: the United States, Japan and the world as a whole. They believe it and say so clearly, and if they do not say so, the Supreme Leader will come out and deny my words after this interview and say he does not believe what I said. "

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