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    A government adviser explains Iraq's five plan: welfare, growth and job opportunities

    Admin Assist
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    A government adviser explains Iraq's five plan: welfare, growth and job opportunities Empty A government adviser explains Iraq's five plan: welfare, growth and job opportunities

    Post by Rocky Fri 06 Apr 2018, 8:44 am

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    2018/04/06 12:32

    (Encyclopedia of this day for [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]) - The economic adviser to the Iraqi government revealed the appearance of Mohammed Saleh on Friday that Iraq will witness a remarkable change in growth in the coming years with the launch of the five-year plan for the years 2018-2022, Saleh said to the Twilight News, "The plan in its objectives and principles development path will translate fact to achieve growth rate Annual GDP growth of more than 7 percent, compounding welfare by more than a population growth rate of about 3 percent a year and more than double. "" Public and private investments will occupy important axes in maximizing gross domestic product on the welfare of the individual in providing employment Wa And the market share or the private sector in the investments will be about 40 percent of the total investments of the five-year plan. "Saleh Saleh role of the private sector in the next five-year plan through the" The principle of partnership between the state and the private sector in investment, production and operation, which all constitute the philosophy of the plan and its principles, which is based on the concept of (social market), which means highlighting the role of the state in protecting the market with social insurance systems such as retirement schemes for the private sector. The market through the development funds, facilitating the conditions for civil projects and addressing the same time for monopolies through the sponsorship of the competitive activity of the market. "The Council of Ministers in its last meeting headed by Haider Abadi, the five-year national development plan for the period 2018-2022. The Council said in a statement that" The new five-year plan, based on key themes including good governance and the private sector, reconstruction in the provinces and alleviation of poverty, was adopted. The plan focuses on the promotion of productive sectors (agriculture and industry) that move the rest of the sectors to a target economic growth rate of 7 percent .

    Note: The content, entitled "Governmental Advisor Explains Iraq's Five Plan: Welfare, Growth and Job Opportunities", was first published on the "Twilight News" website. The encyclopedia of this news day is not guaranteed in any way. 
    You can see the details of this title (a government consultant explaining Iraq's five plan: welfare, growth and employment) through its original source (Twilight News).

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