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    The Army Chief of Staff holds its weekly conference

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The Army Chief of Staff holds its weekly conference Empty The Army Chief of Staff holds its weekly conference

    Post by Rocky Wed 11 Apr 2018, 2:30 am

    The Army Chief of Staff holds its weekly conference
    April 11 2018 09:24 p
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    [rtl][rtl]Army Chief of Staff Osman al-Ghanmi[/rtl]
    Ihab Jubouri

    The Chief of Staff of the Army, Major General Othman Al-Ghanmi, presided over the Army's Chief of Staff's weekly conference at the headquarters of the General Military Inspectorate.

     A statement by the Ministry of Defense said that the conference was attended by aides to the chief of staff of the army, arms and sniper commanders and managers of training institutions in the Ministry of Defense, during which the files included in the agenda were discussed. The training and training units were emphasized and a briefing was given about the training units.

     In turn, the Army Chief of Staff praised the achievements achieved during this year in the field of training after the Ministry of Defense raised the slogan that the year 2018, the year of training and combat capacity building, which took its fruits in the field of training for the first semester of this year by training 261 combat units for various units of the army Compared to last year, during which 145 combat units were trained.

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