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    Israeli newspaper reveals Iranian air forces in Syria

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277821
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Israeli newspaper reveals Iranian air forces in Syria Empty Israeli newspaper reveals Iranian air forces in Syria

    Post by Rocky Wed 18 Apr 2018, 3:20 am

    Israeli newspaper reveals Iranian air forces in Syria[/size]
    Israeli newspaper reveals Iranian air forces in Syria Xamanaie%20(2)

     Twilight News    

     3 hours ago

    The newspaper "Israel Today" on Tuesday, the presence of an Iranian air force in Syria, and includes civilian aircraft suspected of transporting weapons, hinting at the possibility of targeting in the event of escalating tension with Tehran.
    Israeli media have shown satellite images and a map of five Syrian air bases allegedly used to house drones and Iranian cargo planes, as well as three senior Iranian Revolutionary Guard commanders suspected of overseeing similar projects such as missile units.
    "The report gave details about the air force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, which the Israeli military sees as an entity that will try to attack Israel, on the basis of Iranian threats to respond to the blow," an Israeli security official told Reuters.
    Israeli television, radio and news websites said that "the information came from the Israeli army," and the army spokesman declined to comment on the reports.
    Tehran, Damascus and Moscow accused Israel of being behind the attack on April 9 on the Syrian air force base that killed seven members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards. Iran threatened to retaliate sooner or later.

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