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    Chinese warships sail south of Taiwan. Officials: This is intimidation

    Admin Assist
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    Chinese warships sail south of Taiwan. Officials: This is intimidation Empty Chinese warships sail south of Taiwan. Officials: This is intimidation

    Post by Rocky Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:54 am

    Chinese warships sail south of Taiwan. Officials: This is intimidation
    Chinese warships sail south of Taiwan. Officials: This is intimidation Irq_562551984_1524322879
    Chinese warships on Saturday sailed into waters in southern Taiwan and conducted military exercises in the western Pacific as part of a series of exercises criticized by Taiwan, describing them as tantamount to "intimidation."
    The J-15 fighter jet took off from the only Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning on Friday for training in the area east of the Bacheleti Channel, which separates Taiwan and the Philippines, the official newspaper of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) said.
    The Chinese destroyers carried out attack and defense drills to test their capabilities, while the Defense Ministry showed pictures of the maneuvers on its website on Saturday.
    China regards Taiwan as part of its territory pending reunification and severed all official contacts with Taiwan because its president, Tsai Ing-wen, refused to recognize the Democratic island as part of a "one China."
    China stepped up its military strength in the region last week by conducting live-fire exercises in the Taiwan Straits in what the official media called a direct response to Taiwan's "provocations."
    Taiwan accuses China of "reviewing the force" and carried out live-fire exercises Tuesday on two Taiwanese islands close to China.
    On Thursday, Chinese bombers flew over Taiwan in what the air force called a "sacred mission."
    The mainland affairs council, which is responsible for China's decision-making on Taiwan, said the Chinese exercises amounted to "military intimidation".
    The Chinese exercise comes at a time of intense tension between Beijing and Taipei and after strong warnings from Chinese President Xi Jinping last month of separatism in Taiwan. Finished

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:01 am