Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Source: Director of the former Agricultural Bank granted fake loans of 600 million dollars

    Admin Assist
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    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Source: Director of the former Agricultural Bank granted fake loans of 600 million dollars  Empty Source: Director of the former Agricultural Bank granted fake loans of 600 million dollars

    Post by Rocky Mon 23 Apr 2018, 6:44 am

    Source: Director of the former Agricultural Bank granted fake loans of 600 million dollars

    Monday, April 23,

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    revealed a source familiar with, Monday, that the former director of the Agricultural Bank granted fake loans to 600 million dollars, and called for activating the arrest warrant to recover this money. 

    The source said in an interview for Alsumaria News that "the director of the Bank of Agriculture, former Mohammed al-Khafaji granted fake loans to non-existent investors estimated at 600 million dollars." 

    The source, who asked not to be named, said that "al-Khafaji caused the loss of billions of dollars in Iraq ," and called for the need to expedite the activation of the arrest warrant to recover this money and to obtain its fair parts before the Iraqi courts.
    On 22 April, the Committee on Agriculture, Water and Marshlands warned against the existence of information on the intention of the director of the former agricultural bank and the fugitive to Jordan, Mohammed al-Khafaji, to seek asylum through the United Nations. 

    The member of the Committee on Agriculture Ali al-Badairi called on Saturday (September 9, 2017), the judiciary and the Integrity Commission to issue an international arrest warrant against the former director of the bank of the fugitive Mohammed al-Khafaji, pointing out that the latter fought Diwaniyah poultry project and his arrest will lead to the detection of files of serious corruption, Heads and whales "looted money. 

    On Thursday (August 31, 2017), the Integrity Commission announced the seizure of agricultural loan transactions that were disbursed without the knowledge of their owners in the Agricultural Cooperative Bank in Maysan province , while confirming that the amounts of these loans amounted to 700 million dinars.

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Source: Director of the former Agricultural Bank granted fake loans of 600 million dollars  Empty Parliamentary agriculture: Director of the Agricultural Bank fugitive caused the loss of billions o

    Post by Rocky Mon 23 Apr 2018, 6:48 am

    Parliamentary agriculture: Director of the Agricultural Bank fugitive caused the loss of billions of dollars

    Sunday 22 April

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    warned of the Committee on Agriculture, Water and marshes parliamentary Sunday, the presence of information on the determination of the former Agricultural Bank director and fugitive to Jordan Mohammad al - Khafaji , access to asylum through the United Nations Organization, as revealed caused by a loss of Iraq billions of dollars. 

    " The director of the former agricultural bank, the fugitive to Jordan, Mohammed al-Khafaji, on charges of stealing public money on the issue of agricultural loans, which caused the loss of billions of billions of dollars, seeks through the efforts of some corrupt people to obtain humanitarian or political asylum," said Frat al-Tamimi , head of the committee . Through the United Nations (UN) ".
    Tamimi added that "there is a case of the movement of the integrity of the earlier against al-Khafaji, therefore it is time to speed up the activation of arrest warrant and recovery of the fugitive accused through Interpol before obtaining asylum and refuge as a cover to escape justice." 

    The member of the Committee on Agriculture Ali al-Badairi called on Saturday (September 9, 2017), the judiciary and the Integrity Commission to issue an international arrest warrant against the former director of the bank of the fugitive Mohammed al-Khafaji, pointing out that the latter fought Diwaniyah poultry project and his arrest will lead to the detection of files of serious corruption, Heads and whales "looted money. 

    On Thursday (August 31, 2017), the Integrity Commission announced the seizure of agricultural loan transactions that were disbursed without the knowledge of their owners in the Agricultural Cooperative Bank in Maysan province, while confirming that the amounts of these loans amounted to 700 million dinars.

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