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    Economic data is the focus of events in the global markets today

    Admin Assist
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    Economic data is the focus of events in the global markets today Empty Economic data is the focus of events in the global markets today

    Post by Rocky Fri 04 May 2018, 2:38 am

    Economic data is the focus of events in the global markets today

    2018/05/04 1:16

    (Encyclopedia of this Day News | Iraq News ) - Direct: dominated economic data in the euro zone and the United States on the overall events at the end of trading on Thursday.

    A few days before the United States announced its position on Iran's nuclear program, Tehran said it would not negotiate again.

    Argentina raised interest rates by 300 basis points for the second time in less than a week, to save its local currency from a sharp fall against the US dollar.

    Press reports also said federal authorities had taped telephone lines to US President Donald H. Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, in connection with an investigation into his charges in connection with his business dealings.

    Economic data affected the currencies

    Eurostat preliminary data showed that the eurozone consumer price index is expected to grow by 1.2% in April, against expectations of stability of 1.3%, which means a slowdown in inflation.

    Other growth in service activity in Britain was also lower than expected in April.

    The US dollar fell against most of the major currencies during the day with economic data pointing to the rise in US jobless claims during the last week, but less than expected, while the other showed the fall of the US trade deficit to exceed expectations in March.

    This comes with the Federal Reserve's interest rate decision on Wednesday, with modest expectations for a 2% inflation rate recovery.

    In other data, US service activity declined last month by analysts' estimates, while factory orders rose in March.

    Losses of shares

    US stocks suffered heavy losses during the day as the Dow Jones lost nearly 400 points, but it returned to reduce these losses by the end of the session.

    Tesla fell more than 8% in trading after a disappointing news conference in which the company's founder refused to answer some of the analysts' questions.

    While European shares closed in the red zone, despite positive results from Adidas during the first quarter.

    This comes as investors look to trade talks between Washington and Beijing to try to resolve their trade dispute.

    High oil and gold

     Oil prices rose for the second consecutive session of the settlement as investors awaited the developments of the Iranian nuclear agreement, after it was down during the trading.

    Gold prices also rose for the first time in four sessions, gaining $ 7 as investors took refuge with the dollar's decline.

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    You can see the details of this title (economic data, the center of events in the global markets today) through the original source of any site (direct site).

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