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    Newspaper: Abadi received an offer to obtain a second term from Amiri and Maliki

    Admin Assist
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    Newspaper: Abadi received an offer to obtain a second term from Amiri and Maliki Empty Newspaper: Abadi received an offer to obtain a second term from Amiri and Maliki

    Post by Rocky Wed 16 May 2018, 3:55 am

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    Newspaper: Abadi received an offer to obtain a second term from Amiri and Maliki

    According to sources in the rule of law, the existence of the movement led by the coalition conquest and the rule of law is moving rapidly towards achieving the majority necessary for the formation of the next government in exchange for two important concessions allow the President of the coalition victory, Haider Abadi, the presidency of the government for a second term.
    The sources said, "there was a meeting between the leader of the coalition of Nuri al-Maliki and the leader of the Fatah coalition Hadi al-Amiri and Secretary-General of Asaib Ahl al-Haq affiliated to the conquest, Qais al-Khazali, on Monday night, before Abadi met Maliki late on the night of the same night, London.
    The sources added that "the meeting comes to arrange the papers of future alliances," asserting that "Abadi seeks to the second mandate in any way, and is ready to make all concessions to achieve it."
    She explained that "talking about the alliance of Abadi with Sadr is not settled until now," attributed to the reason to "Sadr's insistence on the nomination of the next prime minister of the alliance of Ssron, the governor of Maysan Ali Douai is the candidate of the Sadrists for the post."  
    On the other hand, said Salah al-Obeidi, a spokesman for the leader of the Sadr, in an interview that the Sadrists refuse to come the next prime minister by force and imposition, adding that the alliance is not required to be a candidate exclusively from him.
    He added that the Sadrist movement wants to form a government that differs from previous governments, which adopted in its way of quotas among the political blocs, keeping in mind that what we want is a government in accordance with a program with general frameworks based on the exclusion of quotas and relying on technocrats.

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