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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Industry and Minerals release 122 billion frozen assets to develop domestic production

    Admin Assist
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    Industry and Minerals release 122 billion frozen assets to develop domestic production Empty Industry and Minerals release 122 billion frozen assets to develop domestic production

    Post by Rocky Sun 27 May 2018, 2:04 am

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    [size=32]Industry and Minerals release 122 billion frozen assets to develop domestic production[/size]

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     Alent Ministry of Industry and Minerals, Sunday, it was seeking to launch banking assets frozen since 2003 and the 122 billion dinars, in order to develop local production and increase production lines to meet the market need for goods and goods.[/rtl]

    [rtl]"The Minister of Industry, Engineer Mohamed Shayya al-Sudani chaired the first meeting of the Committee of the Economic Affairs Committee of the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers as a member of the Inspectors General of Ministries: Finance," said the ministry's media spokesman Abdul Wahid al-Shammari in a statement published by Al-Sabah newspaper. And water resources and industry, to discuss the mechanisms of the release of assets frozen banks since the ninth of April 2003, amounting to 122 billion dinars and belonging to the companies of the ministry.[/rtl]

    [rtl]Al-Shammari added that "the meeting touched on the issue of facilities provided by banks before 2003, amounting to 21 billion dinars with the benefits, as well as the share of the treasury of the profits of companies for previous years," explaining the "recommendation of the Commission to support the national industry and mitigate the procedures to claim companies losing previous obligations incurred Of the public treasury shares of profits for years before 2013. "[/rtl]

    [rtl]He added that "the recommendation also included not to strain the financial situation of companies currently and give them the opportunity to develop their business by adopting several options, including the launch of frozen bank balances and the establishment of positive points to serve the objectives of the ministry to activate its activity by providing financial resources to secure some production lines, , With the need to adopt the companies of the ministry on their own capacity to develop their production lines.[/rtl]

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