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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Turkish companies and diplomatic headquarters are targets for Iraqis angry at the scarcity of water

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    Turkish companies and diplomatic headquarters are targets for Iraqis angry at the scarcity of water Empty Turkish companies and diplomatic headquarters are targets for Iraqis angry at the scarcity of water

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 Jun 2018, 3:23 am

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    Turkish companies and diplomatic headquarters are targets for Iraqis angry at the scarcity of water

    As Iraqis have been living in a state of popular anger over the drought droughts that threaten the Tigris River for days, the government's position remains clouded with uncertainty over Turkish interests in Iraq.
    Iraq has an exceptional importance for Turkey and its foreign policy and is reflected in its geographical location within the land areas close to the Middle East, the Balkans and the Caucasus. The two countries have a common land border spanning 348 kilometers, which feeds the two influences and affects both sides of the border, The level of trade relations, social and cultural ties, political and strategic influences, the great similarity in the ethnic mosaic that brings the two countries together, Arabs, Kurds and Turkmen, in addition to cultural and social cultural interaction between their peoples on both sides of the border, Many legacy.
    An alarming estimate in Baghdad is that the Tigris river levels have fallen by at least 40 centimeters, with a clear change in the color of the river, with its foul odors emitted.
    While the inhabitants of Adhamiya and Kadhimiya note the decline in water levels, observers warn that the agricultural file is generally affected in the Euphrates basin.
     The Turkish Republic insists that the decision to fill the Elissu dam, which has caused the small quantities of the Tigris River since it began operating on June 1, is not to be repeated, indicating that it informed Iraq 10 years ago of this action and advised it to store water and build dams without permission.
    The Minister of Water Resources Hassan al-Janabi, the existence of 24 procedures to ensure the provision of water in proportion to the reality of water.
    Al-Janabi explained during the parliamentary session in the House of Representatives that "there are 24 measures to ensure the provision of water commensurate with the water reality, in particular the insurance of drinking water and can secure 50% in this period of the needs of the agricultural sector and farmers to leave the old watering method of the land in a way, Water, so we must follow modern ways and means of watering that saves water without wasting it. "
    The Committee on Agriculture and Water held the Iraqi government fully responsible for the country's catastrophic water shortage crisis witnessed by Iraq, stressing that if the government does not move quickly with Turkey, the country will live the worst days over the years and will remain nothing of agriculture and others, Time and leave the conflict for positions and elections on the grounds that if the crisis continues there will be no presence in the country.
    "The Turkish government has informed the Iraqi government for years that they are building Alesso dam and Iraq should take measures to build dams to store water in anticipation of this day, but the government and the Ministry of Finance wasted billions and did not take a single step towards such a real disaster we are going through today," said Mansour al-Baiji. Called on Prime Minister Haider Abadi to accompany a delegation including the Minister of Water Resources and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade and go to Turkey immediately to find a solution to this disaster because if it does not remain alive in Iraq, "stressing the need to" pressure on Turkey by all diplomatic and other means N neutrality for filling the dam now and be at other times of the year in the winter season. "
    In the context, considered a member of the Committee on Foreign Relations Representative Razaq al-Haidari, the government's moves towards the water crisis because of the filling of Turkey to fill Alisso "weak", revealing the possession of Iraq elements of a force through which the pressure on Ankara on this file.
    Al-Haidari said that "Iraq has important pressure papers to force the Turkish side to launch the water quota of the country," noting that "severing trade relations between the two countries will negatively affect the economic exchange between Baghdad and Ankara and will force the latter to understand and dialogue to resolve the crisis," noting that " There are signs
    And called on specialists in economic affairs all Iraqis from the government and people, intellectuals, bloggers and expatriates to start a concerted campaign and an accumulated media campaign includes an intensive showing the dangers of what Turkey is doing as it enters the crimes of genocide, and the government intensive diplomatic move on the permanent members of the Security Council, To raise a complaint to the UN Security Council to issue a resolution to grant Iraq its rights in water, to seek a permanent treaty with Turkey under the auspices of the United Nations and to ensure the UN Security Council on sharing the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
    A wave of anger swept through social networking sites in Iraq, where activists and media expressed their anger at Turkey's "provocative" practices towards their neighbor Iraq, demanding their government to intervene urgently and end the drought in the Tigris River.
    According to informed sources, Turkish companies operating in Iraq, diplomatic and vital sites, trade exchange and oil export are future targets for Iraqis who are angry because of water scarcity.

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