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    Expert: Economic war will not work with Turkey

    Admin Assist
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    Expert: Economic war will not work with Turkey Empty Expert: Economic war will not work with Turkey

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 Jun 2018, 3:29 am

    Expert: Economic war will not work with Turkey

    09:52 - 04/06/2018
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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Information / Baghdad ..
    The economic expert, Majid al-Souri, said on Monday that the economic war and the ban on the importation of Turkish goods will not work with Turkey in obtaining Iraq's ambitions of water, noting that the Iraqi government is largely deficient after neglecting the water issue and did not establish any Nazim on the Tigris and Euphrates.
    Al-Soury said in a statement to Al-Maaloumah that "all countries of the world have exceeded the issue of pressure and have begun to resort to dialogue and understanding and to sit at the table of one dialogue to resolve the crises." He pointed out that "Iraq since 2003 could not agree with Turkey or Iran regarding the water file, Where many of the tributaries dried out of water. "
    He added that "Iraq and Turkey have great economic relations, where we import a lot of their goods and export oil through their territory, and thus the severance of economic relations with Iraq does not inflict heavy losses because Turkey has many outlets for the export of goods."
    He explained that "the water file needs a serious stand by the Iraqi government to pressure Turkey to get water, as the blame is placed on the government because of its indifference in the past period to the water file," stressing that "Iraq did not need giant dams As much as needed to organize 3 Tigris and Euphrates to prevent the leakage of water to the Gulf, and thus ensure that no disaster in Iraq. " Ending / 25 n

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