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    Hypocrites, Freeloaders & Traitors


    Posts : 10948
    Join date : 2012-12-17
    Age : 61
    Location : Lone Star State

    Hypocrites, Freeloaders & Traitors Empty Hypocrites, Freeloaders & Traitors

    Post by Neno Sat 09 Feb 2013, 9:44 am

    Hypocrites, Freeloaders & Traitors

    February 8, 2013 — Dean Henderson

    Hypocrites, Freeloaders & Traitors Bollo

    A few years after witnessing loud fat illiterate Republican
    after-birthers making fools of themselves at town hall meetings where
    they decried “Obamacare”, I fully support a potato chip tax to pay
    for the deportation of all rapture-bound Evangelicals who wish to
    expatriate permanently to mother Israel for the big show.

    The low point in the talk radio-driven mental mush came in New Jersey
    when a woman in a wheel chair was berated by a goon squad of 8th-grade
    educated repeaters who had probably all just come from
    their all-too-regular doctor’s visits billed to Medicare. I’ve traveled
    to 50 countries and can safely say that was the worst behavior I’ve
    ever seen. It was not even human. The other people in that room should
    have gotten up and kicked some ass on those scumbags. It’s the only
    thing a bully understands.

    These people are sociopaths and cowards, drawn to the
    like-minded psycopaths at Rupert Murdoch’s Mossad-controlled Fox News.
    They are the people everyone knew were losers in high school. They are
    willing tools of Big Insurance and Big Pharma and Big Whatever Else
    might command their subservience. They get their rocks off running
    down the powerless and bending over for the Power Elite. They are
    whores of the Rothschild syndicate. They are disgusting!

    A timid Obama and his gutless Blue Dog Democrat cohorts also behaved
    like recently castrated steers. They should have put forward a simple
    bold single-payer expansion of Medicare from the get-go. Instead they
    find themselves scrambling to keep any kind of public option at all.
    The progressive caucus in the House should have held their ground. No
    public option. No bill.

    As to the American illiterati featured on the socially-engineered
    corporate media, here’s the answer (assuming they don’t accept the Tel
    Aviv package): no more evil socialist government for any of them.

    If your house gets broken into and you’re a Republican, forget
    calling 911. You will hereafter be denied police protection. Fire
    at the lake home. Don’t bother calling. You are no longer ENTITLED to
    the evil socialist tenet known as fire protection. Drive on a
    public highway? I don’t think so. Try a Goldman Sachs-owned toll road

    National Forest? Forget it. Those socialist trails are now open
    only to those who appreciate having PUBLIC lands. Public school for
    your chubby potato chip-eating kids. Not gonna’ happen. Teach your
    kids at home. That outa’ work out real well. It has so far.

    Medicare when you ignorant shills get old? What are you kidding me?
    If you had any shred of moral fiber you’d burn that socialist Medicare
    card as soon as it comes in the mail. Ditto your Social Security “free
    ride”. But you have no value system so, don’t worry, we’ll help
    alleviate your hypocrisy for you. Under this new plan we’ll just go
    ahead and cancel aforementioned evil socialist benefits for you.

    America was founded by brave people escaping the scourge of British
    mercantilism – read unfettered East India Company corporate control.
    Right from the get-go our economy had both capitalist and socialist
    components. The self-proclaimed ”real Americans” have lost their Illuminati-sponsored battle to put this nation back under corporate control via blind obedience to the whims of monopoly capital.

    The ”real Americans” are actually traitors to
    the revolutionary principals under which this country was founded. It’s
    time for the real, real Americans to stand up and fight!

    Dean Henderson is the author of four books: Big
    Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight
    Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network
    , The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries, Das Kartell der Federal Reserve & Stickin’ it to the Matrix. You can subscribe free to his weekly Left Hook column @

      Current date/time is Tue 14 Jan 2025, 7:15 pm