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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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    Government clarification on the fourth license for mobile phones

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277540
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Government clarification on the fourth license for mobile phones Empty Government clarification on the fourth license for mobile phones

    Post by Rocky Sun 10 Jun 2018, 8:31 am

    Government clarification on the fourth license for mobile phones
    June 10 2018 01:43 PM
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    [rtl][rtl]Logo of the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers[/rtl]

    The Cabinet Secretariat on Sunday issued a government clarification on the approval of the Council of Ministers in its meeting last Tuesday to determine the date of the launch of the fourth license for mobile networks.

    "The Cabinet decided to form a ministerial committee headed by the Prime Minister or whoever he deems appropriate and membership, the head of the Executive Authority of the Information and Communications Authority and the undersecretaries of the ministries of finance, higher education and scientific research for science, technology and communications, To establish the procedures for implementing the fourth license contract in cooperation with the company to be selected. "

    "In its resolution, the Council set the period for the contract to enter into a contract with PWC for the third time and to allow the Media and Communications Authority to negotiate with the said company about the extension for one year."

    He pointed out that the Information and Communications Authority has already embarked on the strategic steps to implement this task and as part of the responsibility of the Commission to upgrade the services of the ICT sector in Iraq has already contracted with one of the four major international companies, "PWC" to develop a study of the Iraqi market and how to improve services and increase Penetration rate and increased competition to benefit the consumer in terms of quality of communications and prices on the other hand create new investment opportunities and increase employment opportunities. 

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