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    Al-Rubaie reveals a 20% rise in the price of goods due to customs and calls on Abadi to intervene S

    Admin Assist
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     Al-Rubaie reveals a 20% rise in the price of goods due to customs and calls on Abadi to intervene S Empty Al-Rubaie reveals a 20% rise in the price of goods due to customs and calls on Abadi to intervene S

    Post by Rocky Sat 16 Jun 2018, 11:32 am

    Al-Rubaie reveals a 20% rise in the price of goods due to customs and calls on Abadi to intervene

    Saturday 16 June

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    revealed deputy head of the Security Committee of the Council of Baghdad province , Mohammed al - Rubaie, Saturday, rising commodity prices in the domestic market by 20% as a result of "booking" trucks in the port of Umm Qasr because of the tariff, as called for Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi to intervene and instruct the parties Concerned with "softening the routine". 

    Al-Rubaie said in an interview with Alsumaria News that "the prices of food consumer goods and luxury prices rose by the day of Eid by 20% in the province of Baghdad," noting that "after investigation by us for the reasons in Shorja and main commercial areas, we found that there are thousands of containers reserved In the port of Umm Qasr because of the tariff and complex mechanisms followed there. 
    "The Iraqi trader who is working to send goods from China and the UAE has stopped sending them because of the lack of entry trucks, which created great suffering for traders in Umm Qasr as a result of the booking of these trucks," adding that "these procedures and routine made the prices of goods rise As a result of the lack of supply compared to demand Eid days. " 

    Al-Rubaie called on Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to "intervene and instruct the concerned parties to ease the traders and support them, especially that there is a desire for traders to go out in a demonstration after the Eid in coordination with the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce to demand their fairness after the losses suffered because of these procedures and routine unacceptable" . 

    Eid days of every year are witnessing a marked increase in prices of foodstuffs and clothes as a result of the demand by citizens to buy and prepare for Eid.

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