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    Kuwait: all outstanding issues on the way to solution

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    Kuwait: all outstanding issues on the way to solution Empty Kuwait: all outstanding issues on the way to solution

    Post by Rocky Sun 15 Dec 2013, 4:28 am

    Kuwait: all outstanding issues on the way to solution

    12/15/2013 0:00

    Bilateral talks on border and navigation, the economy and the missing day
    Baghdad morning
    there was optimism the progress of the bilateral relations between Iraq and Kuwait, after the Prime Minister of Kuwait that the outstanding issues between the two countries to be solved once and for all, such as climb their own day meeting of the Committee of Kuwait - the Iraqi High. said Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah said in a statement singled out by the «morning», that «touch of Iraqi officials, great enthusiasm and a desire to avoid everything that disturbs the bilateral relations between the two countries», adding that «the current stage is the stage of rebuilding trust and the development of relations in various fields, especially given that the two countries enjoy factors large, as well as neighbors and common interest ». statements come optimistic with climb Kuwait today's meeting of the Committee of Kuwait - IHT which will be held over two days, headed by Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid. Committee discusses During the meeting the operational aspects of the issues of the border, particularly with regard to the follow-up of border markers, in addition to the file of prisoners and missing persons and developments in the light of what was raised about the existence of information in this regard in the possession of the officials of the dictatorial regime residing outside the country. constitutes agreement navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah title III for discussions. expected to conclude the two sides, according to sources »Sabah», preliminary agreements in the economic, note that preliminary meetings held in Kuwait early this December, produced a consensus in principle on some of the bilateral agreements.
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    Kuwait: all outstanding issues on the way to solution Empty Re: Kuwait: all outstanding issues on the way to solution

    Post by mochasmom Sun 15 Dec 2013, 9:21 am

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    Kuwait: all outstanding issues on the way to solution Empty Re: Kuwait: all outstanding issues on the way to solution

    Post by fonz1951 Sun 15 Dec 2013, 9:33 am

    yeah, what mochasmom said  :D  :D
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    Kuwait: all outstanding issues on the way to solution Empty Re: Kuwait: all outstanding issues on the way to solution

    Post by Rocky Mon 16 Dec 2013, 3:58 am

    Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah for {}: solved most of the outstanding issues between Iraq and Kuwait

    12/15/2013 0:00

    Today .. Joint Committee meeting, chaired by Zebari and immortal
    Baghdad Sabah
    expressed Kuwait's Prime Minister Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah great optimism in the progress of relations between Iraq and Kuwait, stressing that the outstanding issues remaining on the way to resolve once and for all.
    statements come optimistic with climb Kuwait today's committee meeting Kuwaiti - Iraqi High which will be held over two days, headed by Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zyibara and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid.
    said blessed in a statement the "morning": that "most of the files have been resolved between the two brotherly countries." added the Kuwaiti Prime Minister that "touch of Iraqi officials great enthusiasm and a desire to avoid everything that disturbs the bilateral relations between the two countries, "and expressed his confidence in the solution of the remaining pending issues during the next term."
    He blessed that "the current stage is the stage of rebuilding trust and the development of relations in various fields, especially given that the the two countries enjoy factors large, as well as neighbors and common interest. "
    It is noteworthy that Kuwait and Iraq agreed under the umbrella of the United Nations (July) last year, to end the outstanding issues, which put the UN Security Council which Iraq under Chapter VII, and was under the bilateral agreement out of Iraq this chapter, based on a decision of the Security Council of the provisions of Chapter VII, and under the same resolution, it has been entrusted the responsibility of following up the file of prisoners and the return of Kuwaiti property to the United Nations Mission to help Iraq (UNAMI).
    and make Iraq and Kuwait over the past two years, positive efforts to promote stability, and ensuring the security of border and maintenance of border markers, and the conclusion of bilateral agreements related to navigation common in the Khawr Abd Allah, all the way to the memorandum of understanding between the two countries regarding the practical arrangements for the maintenance of border markers, according to UN Security Council Resolution 833 of 1993, and containing affirmation of the principles of mutual respect for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and strengthen the ties of friendship, and to avoid interference in internal affairs, and the desire of the two countries in the development of bilateral relations for the their interest, and in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
    Meanwhile, begin joint higher committee between Iraq and Kuwait, the third meeting in Kuwait today.
    Committee discusses, during the meeting , the operational aspects of the issues of the border, especially with regard to the follow-up of border markers, in addition to the file of prisoners and missing persons and developments in the light of what was raised about the existence of information in this regard in the possession of the officials of the dictatorial regime residing outside the country.
    constitutes agreement navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah title III of the discussions.
    It is expected that both parties entered into, according to sources, the "morning", deals primarily in economic affairs, noted that the meetings primaries held in Kuwait early December of this, produced a consensus in principle on some of the bilateral agreements.
    indicated that the GCC Summit 34 welcomed in their final statement , "Iraq's cooperation in the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions relevant, particularly the completion of the maintenance of border markers in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 833/1993 and the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on practical arrangements maintenance of the physical border with Kuwait and praised the signing of Iraq with the United Nations Agreement on receipt of the amount of compensation payable to Iraqi farmers in implementation of Security Council resolution 899/1994 ", also welcomed the" Security Council Resolution 2107/2013, which decided unanimously to refer the file of prisoners and missing persons and the return of Kuwaiti property to the UN mission (UNAMI) to follow up on this file and it came the result of the positive development of relations between the state Kuwait and the Republic of Iraq and the exchange of visits between officials of the two countries and resulted in visits from the signing of important agreements of the parties on the issues of bilateral and international obligations, "adding" support for this resolution and to consider that the issue of prisoners and missing persons and the return of Kuwaiti property nature purely humanitarian, hoping to continue the Iraqi government efforts and cooperation with the State of Kuwait and the international community in this regard. "
    also condemned the summit "bombings repeated in a number of Iraqi cities that fell causing many innocent people, saying that a criminal act is incompatible with the principles of the Islamic religion and all human values, stressing its firm position towards Iraq, and of the importance of preserving the unity of Iraq's sovereignty and territorial integrity and non-interference in its internal affairs and urged other countries to follow the same approach and support Iraqi reconciliation efforts for the success of the political process in Iraq to achieve security and stability. "
    In the meantime, sources said Kuwaiti "morning" that the value of Kuwaiti reparations remaining in Iraq is estimated at 11 billion dollars out of 41 billion dollars, of which Iraq paid 29 billion dollars.
    sources indicated that "Iraq has confirmed that he will pay the remainder no later than the year 2015, under a UN agreement required Iraq to pay the down payment every three months."
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    Kuwait: all outstanding issues on the way to solution Empty Re: Kuwait: all outstanding issues on the way to solution

    Post by CITEX Mon 16 Dec 2013, 4:02 pm

    You have to love the optomism... but really after how many years of hearing this... Oh yeah... 2 weeks!, Soon, in the january next....

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    Kuwait: all outstanding issues on the way to solution Empty Re: Kuwait: all outstanding issues on the way to solution

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