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    Saudi Arabia is in talks with France to arm six countries

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Saudi Arabia is in talks with France to arm six countries Empty Saudi Arabia is in talks with France to arm six countries

    Post by Rocky Fri 22 Jun 2018, 2:12 am

    Saudi Arabia is in talks with France to arm six countries Alalam_636339765201021967_25f_4x3-660x330

    Saudi Arabia is in talks with France to arm six countries

    A website specializing in military affairs revealed secret deals by Saudi Arabia to arm six countries.
    The website "Intelligence" on the military intelligence specialist report that talked about secret negotiations conducted by Saudi Arabia with France for the arms deals of six countries.
    The Defense Ministry's Defense Contracts Agency is in talks with France, following a special follow-up by Saudi Crown Prince Prince Mohammed bin Salman to arms deals for African countries such as Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Chad and Djibouti ".
    The website pointed out that the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia is following closely the continuous contacts with the French General Directorate of armament.
    The sources pointed out that the arms deals are expected to reach more than 30 million US dollars, and those transactions received the official approval of the Ministry of Finance of Saudi Arabia.
    There has been no official Saudi comment so far on those reports.
    Intelligence Online claims that "these deals are on the same line, which Saudi Arabia is seeking to conclude other arms deals for Djibouti, which is expected to reach 250 million dollars."
    It claimed that "this deal may be a prelude to the declaration of Djibouti the possibility of using the Saudi Navy to all ports of Djibouti on the Red Sea."
    There was no official comment from Saudi Arabia or Djibouti on the reports.

      Current date/time is Mon 09 Sep 2024, 7:56 pm