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    British newspaper: America leaves its allies in Syria for painful fate by Russia and Assad

    Admin Assist
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    British newspaper: America leaves its allies in Syria for painful fate by Russia and Assad Empty British newspaper: America leaves its allies in Syria for painful fate by Russia and Assad

    Post by Rocky Wed 27 Jun 2018, 2:22 am

    British newspaper: America leaves its allies in Syria for painful fate by Russia and Assad[/size]
    British newspaper: America leaves its allies in Syria for painful fate by Russia and Assad 1525534503864628000

     Twilight News    

     2 hours ago

    The newspaper "The Independent" published an article by the famous writer Robert Fisk on the Syrian file is considered that the arena now witnessing a moment will be recorded in history because of the abandonment of the United States to demand the overthrow of Bashar Assad as a condition for reconciliation in Syria.
    Fisk explains that the American position is supposed to be understandable. When Washington declares its understanding of the difficult conditions faced by its cooperating militias on the Syrian scene and demands that they do not violate the ceasefire with the Syrian army and Russian forces, it is clear that Washington is pulling the rug from under the feet of other allies.
    Fisk says the conditions in the cease-fire in Syria were fully developed by the Russians. The cease-fire was essentially their idea, so the United States sends a clear message to its allies in southern Syria and Assad's opponents in general that they will not receive support from them or the West in this conflict.
    Fisk points out that Hezbollah and Iran's Revolutionary Guards have not appeared in the fighting on the southern scene, which appears to be an understanding between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart, Donald Trump, about the nature of the operations there, which must be purely Russian-Syrian.
    Fisk added that the message reaching Israel that the operations in Daraa are internal operations only and will not extend to the Golan Heights or its territories in an attempt to reassure the Israelis.
    Fisk believes that the Western powers after abandoning their allies south and north of Syria appear to be falling, meaning that the Russians have achieved victory in Syria as well as for Bashar Assad while the remaining militias in northern and southern Syria await their painful fate.

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