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    The Houthis target Jizan Saudi Arabia with the Badr 1 ballistic missile

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The Houthis target Jizan Saudi Arabia with the Badr 1 ballistic missile Empty The Houthis target Jizan Saudi Arabia with the Badr 1 ballistic missile

    Post by Rocky Sat 07 Jul 2018, 2:31 am

    The Houthis target Jizan Saudi Arabia with the Badr 1 ballistic missile
    Arabic and International  Friday 06 July 2018 Time of 21: 55 PM (Views 464)
    The Houthis target Jizan Saudi Arabia with the Badr 1 ballistic missile 20180706_095522-2The Houthis target Jizan Saudi Arabia with the Badr 1 ballistic missile
    Baghdad / Sky Press

    The rocket-propelled grenade fired a "Badr-1" ballistic missile on the Jizan sector in southwestern Saudi Arabia shortly after the coalition forces targeted the western coast of Yemen, the Ansar Allah group said on Friday (July 6th). 
    "The rocket force fired a ballistic missile" Badr 1 "on the industrial city of Jizan. 
    The Ansar Allah rocket attack on Jizan, about an hour after the group announced targeting groups of the coalition and Yemeni government forces in the West Coast short-range ballistic missile. 
    It is noteworthy that the "Badr 1" ballistic missile, solid fuel and a speed of 4.5 Mach (speed of sound), and declared "Ansar Allah" entered the service in March last year.

      Current date/time is Sat 18 Jan 2025, 12:27 pm