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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Jordan: The presence of the Syrian army on the border will be controlled

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Jordan: The presence of the Syrian army on the border will be controlled Empty Jordan: The presence of the Syrian army on the border will be controlled

    Post by Rocky Sun 08 Jul 2018, 2:26 am

    Jordan: The presence of the Syrian army on the border will be controlled 5b41ab6ed43750ea398b45e4-660x330

    Jordan: The presence of the Syrian army on the border will be controlled

    The head of Jordan's northern region, Brigadier General Khalid al-Masa'id, said on Sunday that the deployment of the Syrian army on the border between Syria and Jordan to the Naseeb crossing will work to control the border between the two countries.
    "The control of the Syrian forces on the border with his country will be reflected positively on the two countries in terms of security and economic, especially as the Jordanian armed forces carried out this task throughout the period of the Syrian crisis."
    And the return of security coordination between his country and Syria, he said that "this talk is a matter of the Jordanian state and political levels, and if the decision will be followed by security arrangements."
    Al-Masa'id stressed the insistence of the Jordanian state not to receive new Syrian refugees, pointing out that about 90% of the displaced people in the border areas have returned to their homes and that the remaining numbers are estimated at thousands and not return due to their reasons with the Syrian government.
    He added: "There was chaos, but in light of the spread of the regime and the return of control of the Syrian army, terrorist elements will infiltrate into the Syrian interior north or to any other border area."
    He continued: "The Jordanian armed forces and equipment and modern weapons, and its air force quick answer able to control the border 100% and completely and prevent any infiltration of terrorists," pointing to the recording of some attempts to infiltrate and control.

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