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    The "bone breaking" phase begins between Washington and Tehran and the features of the largest bloc

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    The "bone breaking" phase begins between Washington and Tehran and the features of the largest bloc  Empty The "bone breaking" phase begins between Washington and Tehran and the features of the largest bloc

    Post by Rocky Sun 08 Jul 2018, 2:39 am

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    The "bone breaking" phase begins between Washington and Tehran and the features of the largest bloc are painted in Erbil

    The eyes of the political blocs of the prime minister, who seems to be in the middle between two quagmire constantly, and will be the share of the heaviest of them if the largest bloc, amid the control confirms the existence of Iranian and American push against each of his face.
    It seems that Tehran is currently leading serious efforts to revive the coalition, "Shiite Kurd" who has long been the decision to take over the position of prime minister for the past 15 years, while Washington is also seeking to pressure the Sunni forces and other Kurdish and some Shiite forces to win the largest bloc, while Revealed the "hidden movements" to elicit some of the forces of the victory coalition led by Haider Abadi to join the "larger bloc" wanted by the coalition of state law.
    The political sources say the «Journal», that "a coalition of four sponsored by Iran will be announced in Erbil after the visit of the delegation of the Alliance and the rule of law," indicating that "a meeting with a number of members of the Political Bureau of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, including Fadel Mirani, Hoshyar Zebari, Rose Nuri Shaways, and others. "
    The sources pointed out that "the two delegations visit will continue for two days in Erbil, and will hold meetings with the majority of the Kurdish parties," indicating that "the meeting discussed mechanisms to form the largest parliamentary bloc and the possibility of accelerating the formation of the next government."
    She stressed that "the rule of law and Fatah and the Democratic Alliance and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan have reached great understandings on the next stage."
    For his part, Ahmed Kanani, member of the Fatah Alliance, said that "the visit of a delegation of the Altaf conquest came to formulate common visions between the alliance and the Kurdish brothers in Kurdistan to come out a common formula to form the next government," adding that "the task of the members of the Fatah Alliance is to acquaint the Kurds with important topics and the formation Largest bloc ".
    The head of the delegation of the coalition of state law, Hassan al-Senaid, stressed that "the Kurds do not have red lines on the vocabulary of the political process and the winning lists have red lines on what is required within the framework of the Constitution," stressing that "the coming days will prove what reached this convergence."
    As revealed by a political source in the coalition of the rule of law for "vigorous efforts to announce the largest bloc in the next few days," pointing out that "there are hidden movements to include some forces of the victory coalition led by Haider Abadi to join the coalition."
    The source said that "the rule of law and Fatah and victory and the parties of the Kurdistan Democratic Union and the National Union will announce in the coming days the formation of a large coalition of 158 seats in addition to the alliance with small blocs," pointing to "the existence of intensive dialogues with the blocks forgotten."
    In contrast, Washington is moving on the political forces that see the existence of understandings to persuade them to enter into a coalition alliance.
    Observers say that "Tehran is proud to gather some political forces, which can in the number of seats to form the largest bloc, but do not want to exclude anyone, while Washington is also trying to use pressure on Sunni forces and other Kurdish and some Shiite forces to win the largest bloc."
    Observers say that "Washington is seeking to gather some forces in the coalition of victory and the Kurdish opposition forces as well as seeking to persuade the coalition and the national and wisdom to enter the alliance of the largest bloc in parallel with the coalition, which is being sponsored by Iran."
    It is noteworthy that the alliance "Asron" issued the number of seats in the electronic count, having won 54 seats, followed by the alliance, "conquest" won 47 seats, and "victory" with 43 seats.
    The coalition of state law won 25 seats, while the current "wisdom" 19 seats, while the coalition won the "Iraqi decision" 13 seats, and the share of "national" 22 seats.
    While the total seats of the Kurdish blocs with 58 seats distributed as follows; the Kurdistan Democratic Party 25 seats, while the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan has won 18 seats, while the movement of change on 5 seats, the Islamic Union two seats and the Islamic Group two seats and the new generation movement 4 seats, Democracy and justice led by Barham Saleh in two seats. "

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