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    Russia and China delay US efforts to stop sale of North Korean oil products

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Russia and China delay US efforts to stop sale of North Korean oil products Empty Russia and China delay US efforts to stop sale of North Korean oil products

    Post by Rocky Thu 19 Jul 2018, 5:29 pm

    Russia and China delay US efforts to stop sale of North Korean oil products

    2018/07/19 21:37

    (Encyclopedia of this Day News | Iraq News ) - Diplomats said Russia and China Okhrta on Thursday , US efforts to issue anorder of a committee of the UN Security Council to halt refined petroleum products to North Korea 's exports, and requested more details about the US accused Pyongyang of violating the limit of that limit Imports.

    Russia's UN mission told the 15-member committee that it was "carefully examining this request and requesting additional information on each case of 'illegal' transfer of petroleum products," the diplomats said.

    China supported the request for additional information.

    Note: The content entitled (Russia and China delay US efforts to stop the sale of petroleum products to North Korea) was first published on the site (Al-Ghad) and does not bear the content of this day's newsletter in any way. 
    You can see the details of this address (Russia and China delay US efforts to stop the sale of petroleum products to North Korea) through its original source (Al Ghad).

      Current date/time is Wed 15 Jan 2025, 10:38 am