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    Call to Open Another American University in Iraq

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    Call to Open Another American University in Iraq Empty Call to Open Another American University in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sat 28 Dec 2013, 4:05 am

    Call to Open Another American University in Iraq

    Posted on 27 December 2013

    By Harith Hasan for Al-Monitor. Any opinions expressed are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News.

    Dawa Official Calls for Opening Another American University in Iraq

    While the number of Iraqi students studying in the United States has been on the rise in the last few years, the Iraqi government has recently shown an interest in opening another American university in Iraq. Minister of Higher Education Ali al-Adeeb expressed public support for such a move in a Dec. 16 article, “Why Baghdad Needs an American University,” which he wrote for a US website specializing in higher education.

    In the article, Adeeb calls for the new American university to be located in central or southern Iraq, which would be an addition to the existing American University of Iraq in Sulaimaniyah. He asserted that such a university would advance higher education in the country, producing graduates who are critical thinkers, educated with a global and modern knowledge base, fluent in English and receptive to cultural diversity.

    Adeeb’s position is remarkable because he is a leading figure in the Shiite Dawa Party, led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Some observers were surprised that his ministry would be enthusiastic about such an idea given that the Shiite parties generally do not support what they view as “Western cultural penetration” of Iraqi society. The Dawa party has traditionally been opposed to Western cultural expansion, at least according to the writings of its ideological guide Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr (who was executed in 1980).

    In addition, Adeeb is widely known as a party hawk and a representative of Dawa’s politically and intellectually militant base. Thus his call — which recognizes the West’s intellectual progress and offers self-criticism of the educational situation in Iraq — signals a significant shift in the thinking of both the minister and his party.

    This is not, however, the first time that Adeeb has pointed out, whether explicitly or implicitly, that higher education in Iraq has failed to produce graduates with modern educations, critical-thinking skills and creative abilities. In fact, he has repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with university-level education in Iraq. It remains unclear, however, why his ministery, which is responsible for universities, has been unable to change this reality or implement initiatives to improve higher education.

    Most Iraqi universities are public institutions that employ rigid educational methods. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi students graduate each year from high school and then are sent to public universities in accordance with centralized standards that rarely take into consideration students’ particular qualifications and preferences.

    Most university professors are hired on a permanent basis as government employees and according to centralized distribution, rather than competition. The hiring process is riddled with cronyism, nepotism and corruption, as is the case throughout Iraqi government institutions. As a result, university professors often lack incentives to improve their performance.

    In recent years, the level of graduate studies has declined due to the lack of competition. Advanced degrees are granted to mediocre students without good educational records and often without even minimal knowledge of a foreign language. A graduate degree has become a way to gain social status or to get promoted in a government position. Now, many officials are using their influence to obtain certificates without doing any real research or scientific work.

    These practices have harmed the reputation of Iraqi universities because they are graduating “professors” who are not qualified to teach and who cannot access up-to-date scientific sources, which are rarely in Arabic. These professors therefore end up imparting inadequate knowledge to students in an educational system devoid of individual initiative and critical research.

    Adeeb’s invitation to open an American university is an implicit acknowledgment of how difficult it is to reform the higher education system. Certainly, an American university in Iraq would contribute to reviving competitiveness in the educational system and help graduate qualified students with modern educations, as is done at the American University of Beirut and the American University in Cairo.

    With the high cost of studying at an American university compared to an Iraqi university, a new American school would probably only attract wealthy students, mostly the sons and daughters of senior state officials and the businesspeople allied with them. Many qualified students who lacking adequate financial resources would likely be unable to attend. In the long run, this could further perpetuate elitism in Iraqi education, which already seems an inescapable outcome given the poor performance of the public university system.

    The opening of an American university would, nonetheless, be a positive sign, especially as it would have the supported of and be facilitated by the Ministry of Education. Bringing about a real shift in the Iraqi university system, however, will require a courageous reform initiative by the government, and that has not yet happened.

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