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    Finance alludes to the difficulty of restructuring state-owned banks

    Admin Assist
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    Finance alludes to the difficulty of restructuring state-owned banks Empty Finance alludes to the difficulty of restructuring state-owned banks

    Post by Rocky Sat 28 Dec 2013, 6:44 am

    Finance alludes to the difficulty of restructuring state-owned banks


    BAGHDAD / JD / .. Suggested the Ministry of Finance to the difficulty of restructuring state-owned banks, while confirming that the restructuring process requires time and stability are not available at this time.

    The director of the banks in the Ministry of Finance Hilal Taan told the reporter / JD / put the bank Rafidain and Rasheed key in the country very well.

    He cautioned that engage in the process of restructuring these banks require time and stability are not available at this time.

    The Minister of Planning and Minister of Finance Agency Ali Yousef Shukri had discussed with a delegation from the World Bank restructure the Rafidain and Rasheed.

    Said Shukri in a joint news conference a few months ago, "We received a delegation from the World Bank and discussed with them the implementation of the program in Iraq, stressing that this program is a grant from the World Bank and includes two axes to restructure the Iraqi banks axle, first emphasizes on the side of the development of human capacity because the management of the banks must keep pace the latest developments in the world and the other side focuses on the problem to get out of debt accumulated or dead an old debt that does not solve it today, which weighed and still weigh heavily on the Iraqi banks as we discussed the mechanism of action for implementing this program. explaining, that the Finance Ministry would be willing to provide all the necessary facilities for this program. / End / / 22

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